Compassionate Design

Originally featured by Keller Williams Luxury International, Los Angeles writer Roger Grody explores how the vegan lifestyle has contributed to a movement of compassionate design through interviews with leading designers in the field.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

A growing interior design specialty accommodates homeowners who are as strict about what they put in their homes as what they put on their plates.

The practice of veganism, eliminating all animal products from one’s diet, is usually driven by a commitment to good health, the protection of defenseless creatures or concern for the planet. Although vegan interior design may sound exotic, it is entirely reasonable that the values that inspire vegans’ diets would also be applied to their living environments.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

A vegan space is devoid of leathers, silks, wools or any materials whose production harms or exploits living creatures. “A happy, healthy vegan home contributes to the ease and enjoyment of life,” says Sarah Barnard, whose Los Angeles based design firm specializes in vegan interiors. “As a designer, I create spaces that help my clients express their values and passions,” explains Barnard, adding, “I also believe that the way we acquire the things we own matters.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Abby Siniscal

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Abby Siniscal

“It’s not only about the animals, but also the workers and the environment,” insists interior designer Deborah DiMare, who maintains offices in Miami and New York. She converted her practice to vegan design about five years ago and believes hers is the only firm in the country exclusively dedicated to the specialty. “When I opened my eyes to the inhumane practices and treatment of workers and animals in the textiles and furnishings industries, I had no choice but to change the direction of my life and my business,” she says.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“Ever since I started in fashion in Ireland, my approach to design has dealt with humane and environmental approaches to the procurement of textiles, furniture, dyes, et cetera,” says interior designer Clodagh. Her New York studio accommodates vegan design as well as feng shui, wabi-sabi and biophilia. Although leather is occasionally used in her commissions and she will design steakhouses, Clodagh has personally been a strict vegan for 21 years.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Some homeowners considering this approach to design may assume they will need to make concessions on aesthetics and comfort. “In the past, cruelty-free furnishing options were limited, so vegan clients had to compromise on luxury,” says Barnard, who reports more highend synthetic substitutes have become available. DiMare insists some of those substitutes look and feel more luxurious than the genuine articles and she founded as an online resource for likeminded designers, manufacturers and homeowners.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Rather than inhibiting optimal design and comfort, DiMare suggests, “If anything, it’s made me even more creative,” noting that designing for children with autism and heightened sensory issues enhanced her appreciation of vegan design. At the conclusion of a project, DiMare is delighted to report to clients, “No blood or tragedy is associated with anything in your home.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“I encourage my clients to consider options that support their health and happiness as well as an equitable global ecosystem,” says Barnard, whose overall philosophy, like DiMare’s, transcends the protection of animals. “I believe in embracing the intersections of sustainability, kindness and community, working together for a greater good” says the L.A. designer.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

“We aim to be mindful of all living things and give back to this earth,” concurs Clodagh, who adds, “We have to leave it in a better state than when we found it.” Expounding on her “lifeenhancing design” — a minimalism not to be confused with self-denial — Clodagh explains, “It’s about having and loving everything you need, but nothing more than what you need.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“As an interior designer, I create spaces that help my clients express their values and passions,” says Sarah Barnard, who explains vegans generally insist their physical environments be consistent with their values. “This is a natural progression for people who care about animals, their health and environmental responsibility,” says the conscientious designer.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“Every object and piece of furniture or art in our home carries a lasting history with it,” insists Barnard. “Making a choice to bring in only things that have a conflict-free origin can make us feel good about not only having a beautiful interior, but having a positive impact on the world around us,” she says.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Abby Siniscal

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Abby Siniscal

“Requests for vegan interior design are growing rapidly, as people embrace their connection to the natural world,” reports L.A.’s Barnard, and DiMare observes a growing interest among affluent millennials. New York’s Clodagh strikes a more cautionary tone, commenting, “If I could only work for vegan clients, I would have been out of business before I started.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Scott Van Dyke

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Scott Van Dyke

“My typical luxury client is a mom in Malibu who does yoga, eats super healthy and drives a Bentley,” reports DiMare. “She teaches her family ethics and social awareness, and wants to surround them in the healthiest possible environment,” maintains the designer, who authored the book Vegan Interiors last year.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Brad Nicol

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Brad Nicol

“Vegan interiors can benefit anyone concerned about the welfare of animals and health of their home and family,” states Barnard, insisting one need not be a vegan to enjoy a vegan environment. DiMare, sought out by non-vegans who admire her aesthetics, agrees that everyone can benefit from the non- toxic, hypoallergenic qualities of animal-free design.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Observing how chef-driven vegan restaurants have become mainstream, Clodagh hopes such heightened awareness will fuel interest in vegan design. “As we say in Ireland, the way to somebody’s heart is through their stomach,” she quips.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

Special thanks to Keller Williams Luxury International and featured writer Roger Grody, who covers the best of Los Angeles’ design and culture. Sarah Barnard Design has had the pleasure of working with Roger on articles covering a broad range of wellness minded topics from Conscious Design to Ephemeral Realities.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. Empathy and mindfulness are the foundation of her practice creating healing, supportive environments that enhance life.

Superbloom: Happy Healthy Interiors Inspired by Nature


Happy spring! A “super bloom” has popped up all over California in the past few weeks, a result of a record-breaking amount of rain this past Winter season. Bright orange poppies, desert lilies, yellow and white evening primrose, and pink Bigelow monkey flower, are some of the flowers blossoming in considerable numbers to the delight of hikers, tourists, and nature-lovers throughout California. The super bloom has people flocking to parks such as Walker Canyon in Lake Elsinore, Near Desert Lily Sanctuary, and Diamond Valley Lake.

Close up of a wild poppy.

Close up of a wild poppy.

Flowers blooming in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Flowers blooming in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Los-Feliz-local Sarah Barnard, interior designer, WELL AP, LEED AP, keeps her own wildflower garden, where she planted a variety of poppies from seeds and is experiencing her super bloom. “The colors and textures that come with each season are delightful and inspiring,” said Barnard. “I grow a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, (carrots, radishes, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers of all kinds, cantaloupe, lemons limes, avocado, lettuces & herbs) as well as cactus, succulents, and flowering/ornamental plants.”

Barnard recently took time to visit Griffith Park, Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, and Anza Borrego State Park to see the super bloom herself. Sarah, who specializes in interior design that contributes to her client’s health and wellness, and strives to make nature a part of each home she creates, shared photos of her recent trips.

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“This year’s superbloom is a colorful reminder that nature informs life and design,” Barnard said. Incorporating this principle into the design of your home is one way to contribute to your happiness and health. The study of the effect of nature in design on our health is called Biophilia, and we have previously written about this phenomenon.


One way to bring this happy and healthy nature into your home design is to incorporate natural and organic forms, which are visually pleasing and encourage our connection to the outdoors. Selecting art, lighting or furniture for your home that resembles natural forms is one way to make an inviting and exciting space. Art and shapes inspired by nature could mean a light fixture that looks like a plant or a sculpture that looks like an animal.

Fresh flowers and bright pink leather reminiscent of wildflowers create a warm and inviting dining nook.

Fresh flowers and bright pink leather reminiscent of wildflowers create a warm and inviting dining nook.

Cheerful coral pink tile pairs beautifully with flowers.

Cheerful coral pink tile pairs beautifully with flowers.

Sarah Barnard is a strong advocate of having nature incorporated directly into a space as well. Add your favorite flowers, succulents, and ferns. “In my home, I keep a healthy variety of plants: bromeliads, tillandsia, monstera, and ferns are among my favorites. Having this connection to nature makes my home feel lush and light.”


Using natural materials, aside from being beautiful and adding diverse texture to space, is also an excellent way to contribute to mental and physical well being. Having materials like wood, cotton, and glass rather than plastic and vinyl will avoid toxic off-gassing.

This dining room features fresh flowers, bright colors, and natural wood tones.

This dining room features fresh flowers, bright colors, and natural wood tones.

This colorful palette was inspired by flowers.

This colorful palette was inspired by flowers.

Fresh flowers add life and warmth to a contemporary space.

Fresh flowers add life and warmth to a contemporary space.

To battle the stresses of everyday life, you can use mindful home design practices to create open spaces connected with the environment, plant-life, and the seasons. Barnard reminds, "Our surroundings deeply and immediately impact our mental, physical, and emotional health. A visual connection with the outdoors can improve mood and productivity, and what we bring into a home or space (finishes, furniture, artwork) determines both the quality of the air we breathe and how we function in our daily lives." The flower fields make great inspiration for such a space, with their bright colors, gorgeous views, and fresh air.

There is energy, beauty, and vitality in wildflowers. Spring is the perfect time to find inspiration from flower fields and create a connection to the outdoors. You can do this by beginning a garden, using interior design to personalize your home or office, meaningfully incorporating plants, natural light, and elements inspired by nature. Choose natural materials like wood, cotton, and linen, and take inspiration from this season's super bloom by using bold and bright colors. As more of us make our careers our focus, nature and design are imperative to promote calmness, serenity and healthy living.


And when in doubt, go hiking!

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Steven Dewall, Abby Siniscal, Chas Metivier