Can the Design of Your Home Aid Recovery From Past Trauma? Research Says 'Yes'

A grey sofa with teal pillows sitting on a grey rug.

As interior designers, we operate from an awareness that because we create the built spaces that our clients inhabit, we exercise tremendous influence on their lived experiences and the ability to make a tangible difference in our clients' mental, physical, and emotional health. (1) While it is easy to accept this as a given in more passive terms, there is an increasing necessity around the active, rather than incidental, cultivation of safe and healing built spaces. At Sarah Barnard Design Studio, we aim to bring an inclusive and trauma-informed approach to home design.

Between 1995 and 1997, Kaiser Permanente conducted a study looking at the health effects resulting from the trauma of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). (2) The parameters around this study were narrow, focusing primarily on abuse, neglect, and domestic strife, without including factors such as trauma due to racism, deportation, illness, or war. The study's participants were also far from a broadly representative group, with nearly 75% of participants identifying as White. Yet, even within these minimal boundaries, the findings were stark—approximately 66% of the study's participants reported ACEs in their personal histories.

A curling wildflower beginning to bloom.

If we consider the types of trauma the study excluded and the adverse experiences that occur in adulthood, the implications of this study are significant. It is fair to assume that traumatic experiences are widespread among adults. Particularly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the mental and emotional fallout of which we are only beginning to understand and measure, addressing the effects of trauma has taken on a new urgency.

Table top with gems, colored pencils, note and drawing mannequin

Much of the discussion around trauma-informed home design has focused, understandably, on public and institutional contexts often directly connected with health and social services (3). As understanding around the way that physical spaces affect our mental, emotional, and physical health have expanded, so too has demand for spaces designed with health and healing in mind. Where once function and safety were the primary concern in, for example, mental health facilities, home designers are now looking at how to make these spaces soothing and restorative.

Furry textured mushroom grey headboard, with warm grey linen pillows and white and green floral arrangement.

Knowing what we know about how widespread the experience of trauma is, it is reasonable to expand our thinking beyond institutional spaces and apply the principles of trauma informed practice to home design, as well as to the way we interact with clients. Our goal is to create spaces that manage the effects of trauma by reducing sudden sensory arousal, while also being actively healing and restorative.

This process begins with creating a safe and inclusive environment for our clients from a project's inception to completion. While it may be safe to assume that most adults carry some form of trauma with them, we don't know what a client's background is unless they feel safe to tell us. We aim to approach our clients with a sense of inclusiveness and sensitivity, allowing ample space to voice their needs. A certain amount of vulnerability and humility lies on us as designers as we hold ourselves accountable for maintaining this safe space for our clients. This accountability allows us to create homes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also personalized and inclusive to each individual and their needs. As designers, we must keep an open flow of communication between ourselves and our clients, ensuring that communication remains understood on both ends. 

Dried poppy pods.

Creating an inclusive space starts with mindfulness and care around the way we communicate(4). There is no default listener. Our intention is to allow people from all walks of life feel heard and understood. We are committed to educating ourselves on inclusive language, as certain words may carry racist or ableist subtext. Finding alternatives to non-inclusive language is one component of this, and it helps to avoid language that presumes the ethnicity, gender identity, or experiences of the listener. To maintain our goal of holistic inclusion throughout our studio, we apply these communication values to our client interactions, internal conversations, and interaction with vendors. By holding ourselves accountable even out of sight of clients, we ensure that inclusivity remains a core principle of our studio.

A bright foyer designed by Sarah Barnard, a blue and white abstract painting by Michelle Jane Lee and a large green house plant in a pot.

Painting by Michelle Jane Lee

When we begin each project, our goal in taking a trauma-informed approach to home design and decorating includes finding ways to reduce sensory overstimulation. Sensory triggers can be hugely disturbing for neurodivergent people (particularly those on the autism spectrum), as well as people with chronic migraines, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Alzheimer's, and other chemical or sensory sensitivities (5). Spaces designed with inclusion in mind for neurodivergence and disability will create an environment that feels safe for all users along various spectrums of need. However, even neurotypical people can experience stress from sensory overstimulation, impacting their health and emotional resilience (6). We address this need in home design by creating varied paths to shelter from intrusive sounds, odors, and light. In addition, we empower our clients to limit and customize their exposure to sensory stimuli (7). One way to achieve this is to create smaller sensory retreats within the home, balancing the calming quality of openness with the comforting sense of being enveloped. We use color psychology, textures, and other sensory elements to comfort our clients. Some of this may overlap with general design knowledge of what is considered calming, and some may be specific to each client's taste and sense of comfort.

A bright living room features interior design by Sarah Barnard, a festive orange rug in a flatweave style, a blue sofa and a vintage chair.

Painting by Kevin Moore

Our goal as a studio is to create spaces where clients can relax and restore their senses. We achieve this in our projects by intersecting the client's sensory needs with their aesthetic tastes. There is much importance in including art in the spaces we design. At Sarah Barnard Design Studio, art is considered an integral part of home design. Great care is taken not only in the selection of art but also in how and where it is displayed. That said, while there are general notions of what makes a piece of art soothing for a viewer, from the color to subject matter. Ultimately, the most crucial factor is what the client wants to see every day. Clients will benefit most from seeing art that evokes a sense of calm or happiness; however, what that can look like varies widely from person to person. As designers, we offer our guidance and expertise in selecting art for the home.

Open book on desk with plants and couch in background, agate inspired wallpaper

We can achieve restoration through home design by providing access to nature and integrating natural themes into the spaces themselves. The biophilic design movement has focuses on making nature an integral theme in the home. Biophilic design has tremendous benefits for our emotional, mental, and physical health (8). Views of nature, particularly ones that provide a sense of continuity with the indoors and outdoors, can be one way to achieve this. Prioritizing the use of natural and organic materials can also promote restoration and wellness for our clients. A connection to nature can be undermined by toxic materials that are produced in ecologically harmful ways. On a more symbolic level, we can incorporate nature into an indoor space through organic imagery that evokes the natural world through shape, texture, and color.

White floating bookshelves and large woven pendant light in foreground

Recently, our homes have become even more of a center point in our lives. For many of us, our home has become a workplace, school, and place for recreation all at once, increasing the need for therapeutic and restorative spaces within the home. Unfortunately, mental and emotional restoration has become harder to achieve now that our homes serve more functions than ever. As designers, we must be creative in our approach. We can create boundaries in the home without putting up walls, for example, using a screen to designate an area as a workspace, where the day's stressors can remain out of sight when it's time to relax. We can place extra care and attention into places in the home that offer privacy, letting them act as retreats from the rest of the living space. Thinking beyond a room's most basic function in this way can open up opportunities to create calming, restorative environments in less traditional spaces.

reed planted partially dipped in black paint holding succulent, with figurine of a person next to it

As designers, we have a tremendous opportunity to alleviate trauma by creating healing spaces for our clients while implementing a warm, understanding, and inclusive design process. We may never know or see our clients' struggles, but we can approach each project with empathy, compassion, and practical design knowledge to address their needs. As gratifying as having our clients appreciate our work, it is even more gratifying to know that we can make a tangible difference in their health and happiness.

Ceramic slug by Joseph and Marjorie Lake 

Ceramic slug by Joseph and Marjorie Lake 

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).   

Sarah Barnard in black shirt with glasses and long brown hair

Works Cited









Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Sarah Barnard Celebrates Over Ten Years of LEED Accreditation

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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP) designers bring their expertise to every project, creating healthy and environmentally responsible spaces for their clients. LEED certified buildings and homes provide lasting benefits for users, the surrounding community, project stakeholders, and the environment at large.

Photos by: Brad Nicol

Photos by: Brad Nicol

A sustainably designed, constructed, and maintained LEED-certified building positively affects the health of its employees or residents by improving air quality, reducing exposure to toxins, and ensuring adequate levels of natural light. LEED buildings yield lower operating costs and higher resale values and lease-up rates for property owners. They also consume less water and energy, reduce carbon emissions, and divert waste from landfills.

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LEED-certified homes benefit not only their inhabitants but the community and environment. Green homes offer year-round comfort and healthy indoor environments. They, too, use less water and energy, which is a win for homeowners’ wallets but also reduces strain on the community’s resources. LEED-certified homes are known to sell faster and for more money, which can raise property values for the entire neighborhood.

Sarah Barnard is an interior designer, WELL AP, and Legacy LEED AP who recently celebrated the 13th anniversary of earning her LEED credentials. Legacy LEED AP is the title given to early participants in the program who passed the LEED exam before 2009 when the U.S. Green Building Council introduced specialties.

“I care about the future of our environment and work to ensure that my home design projects support wellness for people and the planet,” says Barnard. “The Legacy LEED AP credential demonstrates my long-standing commitment to healthy, sustainable design.”

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As a leading expert in her field, Barnard has given lectures at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), California State University, Northridge (CSUN), Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM), and SCALE: The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) National Student Summit. She has presented at the LA Home and Garden Show, Pacific Design Center, California Preservation Foundation, and Textile Arts LA. Most recently, OM Chats hosted Barnard and fellow design leaders Adaeze Cadet (AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Vice President at HKS) and Julie Smith-Clementi (AIA, ISDA, Product Designer and Architect, Smith-Clementi) to take part in a multi-speaker conversation around the role of empathy in home design.

In 2017, Barnard was recognized as an ASID Ones to Watch scholar in the program’s inaugural class. ASID created the leadership development training program to promote diversity and propel the industry forward. Barnard confers with a national network of her fellow interior design scholars to share research and feedback.


While the LEED rating system focuses on the design, construction, and operation of buildings, the WELL Building Standard emphasizes the health and wellness of the people inside of them. The LEED and WELL programs are complementary and receiving accreditation with both has informed Barnard’s holistic approach to healthy, sustainable home design.

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Barnard is an advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process. Through her speaking engagements, pro-bono work, and writing, Barnard hopes to draw attention to these critical design objectives. Barnard is creating a future that includes greener buildings, healthier interiors, and enlightened home design.

Designer Sarah Barnard on Why Empathy Is Central to Her Work


Article by Gwendolyn Purdom, originally featured Houzz.

Growing up with historic preservationist parents, Sarah Barnard got her introduction to architecture and home design at a young age.

“I grew up in historic homes, and my father was restoring furniture and light fixtures and stair railings and you name it,” the Los Angeles interior designer says. “Certainly, as things progressed in life, I think his talents became mine.”

The experience also shaped the way Barnard now approaches her work as the principal designer at Sarah Barnard Design — a firm built on sustainable, wellness-focused and otherwise mindful practices. (Barnard is a WELL accredited professional, a Building Biology practitioner and a LEED accredited professional.)

“Reducing, reusing, recycling — these types of things were not novel concepts,” Barnard says. “Being sensible and responsible in our choices and in our material specifications is something that’s always been a part of my life and definitely influences the way that I work.”

Barnard, who has been using Houzz to share project photos and to connect with fellow professionals on Pro-to-Pro discussion boards almost since the platform launched, has been seeing more and more clients, parents particularly, looking at their homes through a more thoughtful, holistic lens. Beyond being environmentally conscious, Barnard’s home design projects revolve around creating spaces that are personalized to support mental and physical health and happiness.

“If we all could be so lucky to exist in a space that is uniquely ours,” Barnard says. “There really is no happier environment than a space that is specially made for you.”



Q. You specialize in wellness design, sustainable design, and other mindful design practices. Why did you choose to make those specialties central to your work?

A. Empathy is really the foundation of our studio’s practice. Being able to meet our clients where they are and create environments that support them in living their best lives is really the heart of what we do.

My two primary credentials are LEED AP [accredited professional] and Well AP. LEED focuses more on environmental responsibility. WELL is focused more on human health. Those two things, along with historic preservation, really are the key focuses of my practice.



That said, the personalization piece is really where it’s at in terms of being able to adapt to a broad range of situations. Sometimes that is a client who is seeking a vegan or perhaps a sustainable and vegan environment.

Other times it might be something that’s more of a specific family need, like a child with developmental differences or a person who has 13 cats. Any personalized need that could be better accommodated through home design is something that we’re keen to help with.



Q. How do you work around challenges those specialties may present?
A. There are always limitations, and one thing we learn as design students and we practice throughout life is that limitations really drive design. With a big, broad, open scope the outcome could be anything, but the more limitations the project has to endure, the more specific the outcome.

An example of that is that we have a client who utilizes a prosthetic leg, and of course, this is something that is integral to her day-to-day function but not something that she would like to draw attention to. In the process of designing her home, it was disclosed at some point that she didn’t want certain types of textiles that would make it difficult for her to get up or get down. Something that might be more slippery, for example.

So, something that we may not have been aware of at the start of the project — once we’re armed with the information of what specific textures are going to be safest for her, then we can proceed accordingly in recommending those well-matched solutions.



Q. Where do you find inspiration?
A. On a personal level, I’m definitely very much connected to the natural world. For me, that means spending time in my garden, doing a heck of a lot of birdwatching, really being tuned in to the small daily differences — like what the birds are doing, what the plants are doing, what the caterpillars are doing.

Being in touch with what’s going on in the natural world is a really important way for me to stay grounded in my professional life. Those textures, colors, patterns, things that I experience in the outdoors definitely drive the solutions that I create indoors.



Q. What has been your most memorable client request? You worked with someone with 13 cats?
A. Yes. We made a special screened porch for the cats so that they could enter and exit the house safely without being eaten by a coyote or disturbing the neighborhood bird population. They were able to bask in the sun and live their happy lives safely and in a way that made the homeowner pleased.

I think perhaps the most fun request we’ve had in the last few years was that a young couple in the entertainment industry wanted an adult sleepover room. It was a very large space that would essentially have multi-functions for hosting parties, but the sofas would be modular and movable so that they could be reconfigured as king-sized beds. And if the party got late and movie-watching turned to sleep, 10 or more couples could camp in this room.



Q. Is there one particular project that changed your business in some way?

A. In my late 20s, I had the opportunity to design the West Coast offices for National Geographic Entertainment. And that certainly was an important project for us, because it was not only aesthetically in our dream wheelhouse, but it also was a client that more than ever before really was in alignment with our values and the things that we think are important. That definitely was a fantastic experience.



Q. What advice would you offer to pros who want to make their practice more sustainable or mindful?

A. The most critical skill in mindful design is listening — creating a space in which the client feels comfortable to share, and then really listening and asking follow-up questions, many of them, prior to offering any solutions. Probably the most common rookie designer mistake I see is, designers, want to view a space and immediately make recommendations. And in doing that they would have missed the most critical element of the space, which is the user.



Q. What particular challenges is the interior design industry facing?
A. Interior designers have always had a singular challenge, which we will probably face for decades to come, and that is that many homeowners don’t actually understand what we do. Because of this sort of lack of education in the homeowner, they may misunderstand our services to be shopping. They may misunderstand our services to be a number of things that are not actually what interior design practice is fundamentally about. And because of this misinformation, I think designers may struggle to communicate their value to a person who perhaps hasn’t worked with a designer before or isn’t familiar with all the benefits a professional can bring to a project.

Because I have been in the game most of my adult life, I am fortunate to be approached regularly by clients who are knowledgeable, who do value what my team has to offer. I think in the rare occurrence where we’ve worked with a client who struggles to understand the process, we just remain patient and explain to whatever length necessary so that they can understand what is happening and why.

A great example of that would be, I had a client once and he said he didn’t need measuring; he just needed furniture. That’s an example of someone who just doesn’t understand the steps of the process. Being patient with him and explaining to him why measuring is critical to the process allowed him to remain in support of the work that we were doing and understand what we were delivering and why.



Q. What advice would you offer other pros on making their own design specialties stand out?
A. It’s like the advice that our moms all gave us as children, but it’s critical to be yourself — thinking about what’s really important to you and what are the things that you really, really are passionate about and being more a part of those things.

For example, for me, it’s nature and birds and that’s my truth. It’s easy for me to talk about nature and birds because that is my real life. It’s much more difficult to try to follow the trends of others and latch on to boho-chic or whatever is the latest thing. Because if the latest thing is not your thing, it’s never going to be authentic anyway.

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Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that connect deeply to nature and art. Empathy and mindfulness are the foundation of her practice creating healing, supportive environments that enhance life.

Compassionate Design

Originally featured by Keller Williams Luxury International, Los Angeles writer Roger Grody explores how the vegan lifestyle has contributed to a movement of compassionate design through interviews with leading designers in the field.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

A growing interior design specialty accommodates homeowners who are as strict about what they put in their homes as what they put on their plates.

The practice of veganism, eliminating all animal products from one’s diet, is usually driven by a commitment to good health, the protection of defenseless creatures or concern for the planet. Although vegan interior design may sound exotic, it is entirely reasonable that the values that inspire vegans’ diets would also be applied to their living environments.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

A vegan space is devoid of leathers, silks, wools or any materials whose production harms or exploits living creatures. “A happy, healthy vegan home contributes to the ease and enjoyment of life,” says Sarah Barnard, whose Los Angeles based design firm specializes in vegan interiors. “As a designer, I create spaces that help my clients express their values and passions,” explains Barnard, adding, “I also believe that the way we acquire the things we own matters.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Abby Siniscal

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Abby Siniscal

“It’s not only about the animals, but also the workers and the environment,” insists interior designer Deborah DiMare, who maintains offices in Miami and New York. She converted her practice to vegan design about five years ago and believes hers is the only firm in the country exclusively dedicated to the specialty. “When I opened my eyes to the inhumane practices and treatment of workers and animals in the textiles and furnishings industries, I had no choice but to change the direction of my life and my business,” she says.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“Ever since I started in fashion in Ireland, my approach to design has dealt with humane and environmental approaches to the procurement of textiles, furniture, dyes, et cetera,” says interior designer Clodagh. Her New York studio accommodates vegan design as well as feng shui, wabi-sabi and biophilia. Although leather is occasionally used in her commissions and she will design steakhouses, Clodagh has personally been a strict vegan for 21 years.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Some homeowners considering this approach to design may assume they will need to make concessions on aesthetics and comfort. “In the past, cruelty-free furnishing options were limited, so vegan clients had to compromise on luxury,” says Barnard, who reports more highend synthetic substitutes have become available. DiMare insists some of those substitutes look and feel more luxurious than the genuine articles and she founded as an online resource for likeminded designers, manufacturers and homeowners.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Rather than inhibiting optimal design and comfort, DiMare suggests, “If anything, it’s made me even more creative,” noting that designing for children with autism and heightened sensory issues enhanced her appreciation of vegan design. At the conclusion of a project, DiMare is delighted to report to clients, “No blood or tragedy is associated with anything in your home.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“I encourage my clients to consider options that support their health and happiness as well as an equitable global ecosystem,” says Barnard, whose overall philosophy, like DiMare’s, transcends the protection of animals. “I believe in embracing the intersections of sustainability, kindness and community, working together for a greater good” says the L.A. designer.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

“We aim to be mindful of all living things and give back to this earth,” concurs Clodagh, who adds, “We have to leave it in a better state than when we found it.” Expounding on her “lifeenhancing design” — a minimalism not to be confused with self-denial — Clodagh explains, “It’s about having and loving everything you need, but nothing more than what you need.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“As an interior designer, I create spaces that help my clients express their values and passions,” says Sarah Barnard, who explains vegans generally insist their physical environments be consistent with their values. “This is a natural progression for people who care about animals, their health and environmental responsibility,” says the conscientious designer.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“Every object and piece of furniture or art in our home carries a lasting history with it,” insists Barnard. “Making a choice to bring in only things that have a conflict-free origin can make us feel good about not only having a beautiful interior, but having a positive impact on the world around us,” she says.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Abby Siniscal

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Abby Siniscal

“Requests for vegan interior design are growing rapidly, as people embrace their connection to the natural world,” reports L.A.’s Barnard, and DiMare observes a growing interest among affluent millennials. New York’s Clodagh strikes a more cautionary tone, commenting, “If I could only work for vegan clients, I would have been out of business before I started.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Scott Van Dyke

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Scott Van Dyke

“My typical luxury client is a mom in Malibu who does yoga, eats super healthy and drives a Bentley,” reports DiMare. “She teaches her family ethics and social awareness, and wants to surround them in the healthiest possible environment,” maintains the designer, who authored the book Vegan Interiors last year.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Brad Nicol

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Brad Nicol

“Vegan interiors can benefit anyone concerned about the welfare of animals and health of their home and family,” states Barnard, insisting one need not be a vegan to enjoy a vegan environment. DiMare, sought out by non-vegans who admire her aesthetics, agrees that everyone can benefit from the non- toxic, hypoallergenic qualities of animal-free design.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Observing how chef-driven vegan restaurants have become mainstream, Clodagh hopes such heightened awareness will fuel interest in vegan design. “As we say in Ireland, the way to somebody’s heart is through their stomach,” she quips.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

Special thanks to Keller Williams Luxury International and featured writer Roger Grody, who covers the best of Los Angeles’ design and culture. Sarah Barnard Design has had the pleasure of working with Roger on articles covering a broad range of wellness minded topics from Conscious Design to Ephemeral Realities.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. Empathy and mindfulness are the foundation of her practice creating healing, supportive environments that enhance life.

Ocean View Penthouse: Contemporary Primary Bedroom


The calming blue views of the ocean and sky were the inspiration for the redesign of this ocean view primary bedroom retreat. By outfitting with eco-friendly finishes in leather, rattan, maple, and wool, the biophilic impact of every detail was considered to optimize health and well-being.

Matching low-profile bedside tables in dark walnut topped with orchids and the homeowner's favorite books flank the primary bed. The accompanying wall mounted swing arm lamps are perfect for reading. The custom commissioned artwork is reminiscent of an underwater world and adds peaceful minimalism and balance as a design element.


A custom wall-hung console tucks away electronics and compliments the deep wood bed frame. Antique stone pottery and a dollop of moss are the perfect home to this indoor bromeliad; touches of nature are everywhere throughout this environmentally conscious design. Pottery and other artisan elements were handmade by local craftspeople and paired with indigenous plant life.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Brad Nicol