The Healing Power of Interior Design: Design's Impact on People, Places and the Planet

Screen shot from video of Sarah Barnard

Leading wellness home designer, Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP speaks as part of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Virtual Conference.

Transcript: Hi, I'm Sarah Barnard, WELL AP, LEED AP and ASID Ones to Watch Scholar. Design has the power to profoundly impact healing. As we collectively navigate this new way of living many of us face challenges maintaining our wellbeing amid trauma and chronic ambiguous loss. When we embrace empathy as the foundation of our design process we help to increase agency and reduce adversity. Together, we can make all built environments supportive, restorative spaces.

What’s Next? Design’s Impact on People, Places and Planet (Opening Keynote) and State of the Society. "ASID turns the traditional keynote on its head with a virtual, crowd-sourced program mining the best names in design as they explore the meaning of "Design Impacts Lives." Then join ASID leaders for the annual State of the Society address...Design has the power to impact lives and tackle challenges on a global scale. What’s next? Hear from those impacting design and those impacted by design in a collaborative keynote that shows the power of community in the digital age. This special, crowd-sourced program will highlight diverse thoughts from clients, end users, consultants, manufacturers, educators, students and of course, designers as we share what’s next for design and the personal stories demonstrating the impact the profession has on the people and world around us."

white flowers on green background

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

The Healing Power of Home: Sustaining and Nourishing our Bodies and Minds

Custom kitchen design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

Custom kitchen design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

As we collectively navigate this new way of living, I am thinking of you and your family and wishing wellness and security. With so many unknowns, I am grateful for the sureness of a community that uplifts with compassion, resilience, and ingenuity, and offers inspiration to forge forward. 

During a time when our world feels new and uncertain, our studio is drawing on the core foundational beliefs and principles behind our approach to home design. We create spaces that support health, emotional security, and wellness, that is the bedrock of our work. These ideals go beyond our creative process and into our working methods of designing homes. As a studio, we are building upon many of the systems we've previously had in place.

Bespoke American Walnut kitchen cabinets paired with handmade ceramic tiles by California based artisans. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP. Photo by Steven Dewall.

Bespoke American Walnut kitchen cabinets paired with handmade ceramic tiles by California based artisans. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP. Photo by Steven Dewall.

Our studio has always aimed to work with local artisans and craftspeople when possible, and value these relationships now more than ever. Many supply chains are experiencing disruptions throughout the home design industry. We are working together with trusted vendors to source materials and find creative solutions during this difficult time. 

In our homes, this time has offered an opportunity to examine our routines, and to look at our needs. Health, functionality, and wellbeing informed our process before the spread of COVID-19, and these factors are more crucial than ever as we continue to build supportive spaces for you and your family through mindful home design. 

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

Many of us are facing challenges in caring for our loved ones, evolving and uncertain circumstances with work, homeschooling children, and maintaining our physical and emotional wellbeing. In addressing these struggles, we are turning to our homes for solutions, realizing more than ever the need for multi-functional and high performing living spaces. 

Our regular team meetings are an opportunity for the studio to brainstorm and problem solve collectively, and recent conversations frequently turn to personal solutions for managing this time at home. We wish to extend this conversation to our community and clients and offer some of our favorite approaches for adapting our home design to these changing times. 

Colors inspired by nature create the palette for this traditional home. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, photo by Steven Dewall.

Colors inspired by nature create the palette for this traditional home. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, photo by Steven Dewall.


  • Structure your spaces for ease of movement, connectivity, and peace of mind. Move your workspace in front of your favorite exterior view. 

  • Open your windows and cross-ventilate your home any day weather permits to improve indoor air quality and enjoy the mood-lifting benefits of watching birds and butterflies

  • Scoot your coffee table to the side for extra room to play and exercise, and set it up with floor pillows for a new homework station for children. 

  • Move your favorite painting to the room where you spend the most time, whether it's a home office, kitchen, or nursery, and enjoy the beauty and transcendence of art

  • Use your occasion dishes more often, and if you're spending more time than you'd like inside the kitchen, bring your cutting board to the back yard. 

  • Think about how your home is supporting your physical health and invest in materials that benefit indoor air quality. Be mindful when bringing new items in your home, avoid air fresheners, and fill vases with aromatic mint and rosemary. 

  • Make sure your bedroom is supporting your sleep habits by clearing out clutter and adjusting lighting to meet your needs. 

  • Carve out time with nature, even if it is tending to a favorite indoor plant or watching hummingbirds in your garden.


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Be resourceful, get creative, trust your instincts, and listen to what your mind and body needs, and mold your home to fulfill those needs. And you can always call us if you need some ideas. Our studio and local craftspersons are here to serve. 

While we discover methods to care for ourselves, we have learned the necessity and power of turning to others for support and assistance. We offer our support by helping create functional homes so that your safe place is also your ideal space. 

We hope that this time to reassess, rearrange, and reconnect, can carry us into a healthier and more positive future, supported by homes that sustain and nourish our bodies and minds. 

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Sarah Barnard, WELL AP, and LEED AP designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that connect deeply to nature and art. Empathy and mindfulness are the foundation of her practice creating healing, supportive environments that enhance life.

Women-led businesses we love: Cultura Collection, a new lifestyle brand with an ethos of wellness and sustainability


Sarah Barnard Design recently attended an exclusive launch party in Santa Monica for Cultura Collection, a new online collective that retails quality products from conscious, purposeful brands and serves as a community hub for global citizens interested in travel, music, dance and wellness.


Founder Renimah Al-Mattar, a longtime friend of Barnard’s, launched Cultura Collection after 15 years in the corporate world. “I started this brand because I believe in the power of wellness,” says Al-Mattar. “For me, a healthy lifestyle started with immersing myself in the type of exercises that brought me joy like music and dance and yoga, but it also extended to eating clean and using products that are eco-conscious and free of chemicals and harmful additives. All of the products I carry support this ethos.”

 The launch party was held on the rooftop of a commercial building in downtown Santa Monica, where guests snapped selfies against a succulent backdrop, nibbled on hors d'oeuvres prepared by a local restaurant, and browsed the selection of wellness products, handcrafted clothing, paper goods and delicious vegan chocolates.

Al-Mattar is committed to mentoring, supporting and empowering women and the majority of the brands represented in Cultura Collection are women-owned and operated. “We still live in an age where it is more difficult for women-led businesses to have access to capital or even marketing and distribution at times,” says Al-Mattar. “My goal is to use my online platform to tell the stories behind these unique brands.”

This message resonates with Barnard, whose own online boutique storefront, Kale Tree, supports the work of local artisans producing sustainable, ethically-made home goods. Lifting up fellow women-led businesses is something Barnard is particularly passionate about.

“I’m so happy to see what Renimah has accomplished in her support of small makers and women in particular,” says Barnard. “I’m looking forward to following her business as it grows.” 


The successful launch of the Cultura Collection brought together like-minded individuals to celebrate well-made products, artisan communities and entrepreneurship. Barnard was grateful to have been in attendance for Al-Mattar’s first and most important business milestone. You can shop the Cultura Collection online at (they’ve got some great holiday gifts!) or follow them on social media.

Superbloom: Happy Healthy Interiors Inspired by Nature


Happy spring! A “super bloom” has popped up all over California in the past few weeks, a result of a record-breaking amount of rain this past Winter season. Bright orange poppies, desert lilies, yellow and white evening primrose, and pink Bigelow monkey flower, are some of the flowers blossoming in considerable numbers to the delight of hikers, tourists, and nature-lovers throughout California. The super bloom has people flocking to parks such as Walker Canyon in Lake Elsinore, Near Desert Lily Sanctuary, and Diamond Valley Lake.

Close up of a wild poppy.

Close up of a wild poppy.

Flowers blooming in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Flowers blooming in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Los-Feliz-local Sarah Barnard, interior designer, WELL AP, LEED AP, keeps her own wildflower garden, where she planted a variety of poppies from seeds and is experiencing her super bloom. “The colors and textures that come with each season are delightful and inspiring,” said Barnard. “I grow a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, (carrots, radishes, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers of all kinds, cantaloupe, lemons limes, avocado, lettuces & herbs) as well as cactus, succulents, and flowering/ornamental plants.”

Barnard recently took time to visit Griffith Park, Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, and Anza Borrego State Park to see the super bloom herself. Sarah, who specializes in interior design that contributes to her client’s health and wellness, and strives to make nature a part of each home she creates, shared photos of her recent trips.

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“This year’s superbloom is a colorful reminder that nature informs life and design,” Barnard said. Incorporating this principle into the design of your home is one way to contribute to your happiness and health. The study of the effect of nature in design on our health is called Biophilia, and we have previously written about this phenomenon.


One way to bring this happy and healthy nature into your home design is to incorporate natural and organic forms, which are visually pleasing and encourage our connection to the outdoors. Selecting art, lighting or furniture for your home that resembles natural forms is one way to make an inviting and exciting space. Art and shapes inspired by nature could mean a light fixture that looks like a plant or a sculpture that looks like an animal.

Fresh flowers and bright pink leather reminiscent of wildflowers create a warm and inviting dining nook.

Fresh flowers and bright pink leather reminiscent of wildflowers create a warm and inviting dining nook.

Cheerful coral pink tile pairs beautifully with flowers.

Cheerful coral pink tile pairs beautifully with flowers.

Sarah Barnard is a strong advocate of having nature incorporated directly into a space as well. Add your favorite flowers, succulents, and ferns. “In my home, I keep a healthy variety of plants: bromeliads, tillandsia, monstera, and ferns are among my favorites. Having this connection to nature makes my home feel lush and light.”


Using natural materials, aside from being beautiful and adding diverse texture to space, is also an excellent way to contribute to mental and physical well being. Having materials like wood, cotton, and glass rather than plastic and vinyl will avoid toxic off-gassing.

This dining room features fresh flowers, bright colors, and natural wood tones.

This dining room features fresh flowers, bright colors, and natural wood tones.

This colorful palette was inspired by flowers.

This colorful palette was inspired by flowers.

Fresh flowers add life and warmth to a contemporary space.

Fresh flowers add life and warmth to a contemporary space.

To battle the stresses of everyday life, you can use mindful home design practices to create open spaces connected with the environment, plant-life, and the seasons. Barnard reminds, "Our surroundings deeply and immediately impact our mental, physical, and emotional health. A visual connection with the outdoors can improve mood and productivity, and what we bring into a home or space (finishes, furniture, artwork) determines both the quality of the air we breathe and how we function in our daily lives." The flower fields make great inspiration for such a space, with their bright colors, gorgeous views, and fresh air.

There is energy, beauty, and vitality in wildflowers. Spring is the perfect time to find inspiration from flower fields and create a connection to the outdoors. You can do this by beginning a garden, using interior design to personalize your home or office, meaningfully incorporating plants, natural light, and elements inspired by nature. Choose natural materials like wood, cotton, and linen, and take inspiration from this season's super bloom by using bold and bright colors. As more of us make our careers our focus, nature and design are imperative to promote calmness, serenity and healthy living.


And when in doubt, go hiking!

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Steven Dewall, Abby Siniscal, Chas Metivier

Pantone’s Color of the Year: Living Coral

The family cat is the primary resident of this guest suite featuring a pink and coral color scheme.

The family cat is the primary resident of this guest suite featuring a pink and coral color scheme.

Coral reefs are disappearing from our oceans at an alarming rate. It is imperative to the ocean’s ecosystems, and as much as a quarter of all ocean species depend upon it for food and shelter. Precious marine lifeforms are also the inspiration for Pantone’s color of the year: Living Coral.

Coral and lush greens create a lively and inviting atmosphere for an outside space.

Coral and lush greens create a lively and inviting atmosphere for an outside space.

Sarah Barnard, a Los Angeles-based interior designer, WELL AP and LEED AP, specializes in home design that contributes to her client’s health and wellness and strives to make nature a part of each home she creates. “A happy and uplifting color reminiscent of the ocean is the perfect starting point for a happy, healthy home.”

Coral colored tiles and beautiful glossy stone slabs make this coastal bathroom warm and bright.

Coral colored tiles and beautiful glossy stone slabs make this coastal bathroom warm and bright.

This color takes its name from the beautiful coral marine invertebrates that build extensive coral reefs, habitats for a vast diversity of life in the ocean. Sometimes referred to as the "rainforests of the sea," coral reefs are quickly dying, and are projected to reduce to 10% by 2050. Half of the world's coral has died since 2016, due to rising sea temperatures, pollution, destructive fishing, invasive species, and changing sea chemistry.

"The timely selection of this color by Pantone should be an important reminder to all of us that nature inspires beautiful interiors. If we aren't careful to preserve the natural world, we will have nothing left to take inspiration from," said Barnard.

Coral naturally complements with blues and ocean tones. Coral embroidery was a perfect companion (complement?) for a throw pillow in a coastal home.

Coral naturally complements with blues and ocean tones. Coral embroidery was a perfect companion (complement?) for a throw pillow in a coastal home.

Pantone is most widely known for their color swatch books. It is the company responsible for color matching paints and graphics; and now devotes the time and resources of Pantone Color Institute to research the purchasing trends of various industries. With this information, Pantone determines this year's color. The naming process regularly pulls inspiration from the natural and human-made world, naming colors such as "rose quartz" or "millennial pink." Pantone's color of the year for 2018 was ultraviolet, a beautiful, energizing shade of purple reminiscent of bright flowers and the sky at sunset. This year's choice is PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral, a potent reminder to preserve and protect ocean life.

Coral colored ceramic provides earthy contrast against the ebonized table and black lamp.

Coral colored ceramic provides earthy contrast against the ebonized table and black lamp.

Coral is vibrant, cheerful, delicate and energizing, and the perfect shade to start the New Year. Living coral, described by the Pantone team as “An animating and life-affirming coral hue with a golden undertone that energizes and enlivens with a softer edge.”

The bath and shower feature locally sourced handmade ceramic tiles in a coral gloss.

The bath and shower feature locally sourced handmade ceramic tiles in a coral gloss.

Pantone published, “Vibrant, yet mellow PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral embraces us with warmth and nourishment to provide comfort and buoyancy in our continually shifting environment. [...] Representing the fusion of modern life, PANTONE Living Coral is a nurturing color that appears in our natural surroundings and at the same time, displays a lively presence within social media.”

Coral and pink shades blend beautifully with wood tones. Art is a subtle and seamless way to introduce colors like coral.

Coral and pink shades blend beautifully with wood tones. Art is a subtle and seamless way to introduce colors like coral.

While top interior designers don’t necessarily recommend painting one’s home to match the color of the year, art, accents, and of course plants are an easy and safe way to introduce vibrancy to your living or work space through home decorating.

Pinks and coral create an inviting atmosphere.

Pinks and coral create an inviting atmosphere.

For those interested in using Living Color in their home, Sarah Barnard said,  "Living Coral is a perfect complement to blue shades, and pairs well with coastal or beachy interiors. For the daring, reupholstering a treasured piece in a bright color like Living Coral can revitalize a space. For those who prefer to mix pops of color with neutrals, I recommend starting with small accents."

Pantone's Color of the Year is an excellent opportunity to add lively, earth-focused tones to your home. Make having a happy and healthy home your New Year's resolution.

Cream and coral ceramic jars are a perfect storage solution for bathroom necessities.

Cream and coral ceramic jars are a perfect storage solution for bathroom necessities.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Abby Siniscal, Chas Metivier, and Charlie Daniels

Award Winning Los Angeles Interior Designer Achieves WELL Accreditation

Interior designer and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP), Sarah Barnard of Sarah Barnard Design has recently achieved recognition from the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) as a WELL® Accredited Professional. The WELL Building Standard® is the premier standard for buildings, interior spaces and communities seeking to implement, validate and measure features that support and advance human health and wellness.

WELL was developed by integrating scientific and medical research on environmental health, behavioral factors, health outcomes and demographic risk factors that affect health with leading practices in building design and management. WELL Certification and the WELL AP credentialing program are third-party administered through IWBI’s collaboration with Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), which also administers LEED certification, the global green building program, and the LEED professional credentialing program. This relationship assures that WELL works seamlessly with LEED.

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Sarah Barnard Design was established in 2003 with a focus on creating spaces that are respectful of history, healthy, art-forward, and deeply connected to nature. Sarah was LEED accredited in 2007 and WELL accredited in 2017. Some of her notable projects include the National Immigration Law Center, Heritage Square Museum, National Geographic Entertainment, and numerous beautiful residences.

Barnard was recently recognized as an American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) National Ones to Watch Scholar, was featured in the July 2017 Issue of Metropolis Magazine and is scheduled to guest lecture at the 2018 ASID National Student Summit, SCALE in Los Angeles, CA. 

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

For more information about WELL 

Historic Craftsman Bungalow: Dining Room


A historic 1918 Craftsman Bungalow features a beautifully remodeled dining room with contemporary updates by Sarah Barnard Design. By utilizing and restoring pieces original to the property, Sarah preserves the home's traditional aesthetic while introducing modern elements to create something personalized and unique. The fresh blue wall color modernizes the otherwise traditional dining room complementing the deep redwoods of the vintage furniture. 

An original built-in cabinet, a collection of art objects, a vintage dining table, and a contemporary chandelier sing together in harmony. A ceramic bust by artist Deborah Cansler rests atop an original antique cabinet with plenty of display space for the homeowner's eclectic treasures. An arrangement of wild blue thistles in a ceramic vessel made by artist Nashua Alfaro creates the perfect centerpiece.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Chas Metivier

Historic Craftsman Bungalow: Living Room

A historic 1918 Craftsman Bungalow gets a fresh face! Utilizing the original Arts & Crafts woodwork design, Sarah Barnard adds a pop of contemporary color for an updated take on this traditional style. In keeping with the classic aesthetic, Sarah treats the interior with eclectic and vintage mid-century modern furnishings.

Saturated colors and modern patterns pair perfectly with wood and brass accents. At the heart of the living room is an original brick fireplace restored to its former glory. Items collected on the homeowner’s travels make fast friends on the mantle with abstract paintings by Los Angeles based artist, Lori Dorn.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Chas Metivier

Historic Craftsman Bungalow: Orange Dreamsicle Bathroom


Orange dreamsicle! Formerly a coat closet, this jewel box of a bathroom is made more functional by re-distributing the unused space. Sarah Barnard was able to add a walk-in shower to the previously compact guest bathroom.

This particular shade of orange inspires positivity and energy. By installing ceramic tile in a vertical pattern, they elongate the tiny space. Pebble tiles on the shower floor create an indoor/outdoor feeling. The small corner mounted sink makes the most of the limited floor space.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Chas Metivier

Harbor-Side Loft: Living Room


A high-rise apartment building near a California harbor seemed the perfect fit for a beach-loving New Yorker and his beloved golden retriever. While he valued the location and the bones of the place, the homeowner wasn’t sure how best to make this house feel like his home. Interior designer Sarah Barnard introduced natural materials, saturated colors, modern fixtures, and a textured palette elegant enough for entertaining and durable for everyday life.

The apartment’s open floor plan allows for a pleasant flow between the kitchen, dining and living areas. The dining area features a muted neutral palette accented by the oversized chandelier. This modern circular design brings rustic brightness to the dining room. Artwork by Sara Pae, Evan Conway, and Rebekah Waites adds a playful contemporary element to the otherwise traditional spaces.


Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Chas Metivier

Healthy Home Design: Natural Interiors

The impact of sustainability can be addressed both in terms of the built environment, and its effect on the day-to-day lives of the people who inhabit these designed spaces. Sound environmental home design should create a symbiotic relationship between the user and their environment. Designer Sarah Barnard’s holistic approach considers the psychological and emotional factors within a model to promote wellness.

Healthy Materials

When choosing the basics, one should keep in mind the range of organic materials that offer health benefits. Sarah believes that eco-friendly and natural material selection is the basis for a healthy design. “Creating a restorative environment begins with sustainable choices. Even the smallest decisions matter and can have profound effects on our health and the environment.” Her holistic approach towards material selection includes raw fibers and natural textiles, such as wool, cotton, and linen.


This all natural (non-toxic) sofa pairs with a handmade, live edge coffee table displaying a collection of the homeowner's favorite things: agate slices, ammonites and an array of rose and lavender colored thistles. A group of brightly colored floor cushions provides the perfect casual living room seating. Natural fibers like wool and linen are comfortable and healthy and can be organically dyed.

Intricately hand carved sconces in American Walnut were designed by Sarah Barnard specifically for this “Scandifornian” style home. Natural woods are another excellent material with an array of attributes that can become a defining focal point within your design. From stunning colors to unique knots and grain patterns, natural woods such as oak, walnut, and maple provide various utility and elemental beauty within a home. Sarah Barnard works closely with local artisans and craftsmen to realize her custom furniture and lighting designs. This beautiful walnut dining table was custom made for this room from a single fallen tree.

Elemental Accents

A key component of biophilic design is to incorporate natural elements within an artificial environment. We spend so much of our time indoors that the objects we surround ourselves with become very important. Recently, Sarah Barnard completed a sustainable penthouse for an out of town couple with super meditative space requirements. Think total relaxation and harmony with the universe. By utilizing furniture and accessories as an expression of nature, Sarah’s custom designs bring the outdoors into the home. Elemental accents such as stone, concrete, minerals, ceramics, and plants create a sense of grounded balance.


Sarah designed a concrete fireplace specifically for this home with features such as subtle, etched lines that reference the movement of water. The mantle displays specimens from the homeowner's collection of minerals. Delicate orbs are a soothing and repeated design element throughout the home. Sarah worked closely with a local artisan to realize her vision for custom designed wall sconces. This piece of functional art was hand-made from ceramic clay and fired in a kiln using traditional glazing processes.

A handmade table with a live wood edge feels close to nature drawing attention to its organic form. When displayed among collected shells and family photographs, large mineral specimens diversify a typical collection. Sarah believes it is vital to surround yourself with things both meaningful and beautiful.  "Live with what you love. Surround yourself with beauty and positive energy." Her design philosophy recognizes the importance of creating contemplative spaces that highlight her clients valued mementos and personal collections.


Another beautiful hand made wood table was made to fit perfectly within the foyer alcove providing a gentle, welcoming display of objects meant to inspire, protect and enlighten. The subtle sheen of the pale blue wall covering references the nearby reflective sea and accompanies delicate coral inspired wall sconces.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Steven Dewall