There's No Place Like a Healthy Home for the Holidays

This year is already coming to a close, so that means the holidays are just around the corner! This year has been a challenging one, so let’s spread some holiday cheer by following some simple, yet meaningful home design ideas to brighten up the holidays.


Reconsidered Rituals

Part of having a healthy, happy home is creating family traditions. An easy practice anyone can start implementing is home decorating for the holidays. No matter what your family celebrates, it is fun getting into the winter spirit! Decorating can be anything from fashioning a homemade wreath for your front door to making your own candles for your menorah. Many of us are celebrating the holiday season differently than we have in the past, creating an opportunity to incorporate new traditions. Exchanging ornaments and a handwritten note is a special way to connect with loved ones you may not be able to see in person this year. This simple act may help you feel closer to family far away!


Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice

Fabricating handmade winter decorations is a great activity for your entire family! A fun and simple idea is to string together your own felt garland. Felt balls can be found in nearly any color imaginable to match your family’s needs. So whether you want red, green, and black for Kwanzaa or blue and white for Hanukkah, the options are endless! Felt garland is not only pretty to look at, but is made from wool, an inherently renewable and recyclable material. We like sourcing wool from small sustainable farms where the sheep are treated like family.

Choosing decorations inspired by things you love all year round will help your decor seem more personal to your family. If you're a bird lover, use this as a starting point when decorating. Look to local artists or online shops who make bespoke decorations that fit the holiday theme of your choice.

goldfinch in a tree
Round ornament painted with a bird design on a tree

If your family celebrates Hanukah, you may want to opt for beeswax candles for your menorah since they don't produce any toxic chemicals or soot. Or if you’d rather use a vegan alternative, there are now organic vegetable wax candles made specifically for menorah’s!


The Serotonin Schedule

Decorating for the holidays early may alleviate stress and anxiety. According to Business Insider, psychologists have found that those who decorate early are much happier because it helps you tap into the holiday excitement before everyone else and leaves you feeling less stressed come Christmas time. Additionally, you can use this time of year as an opportunity to slow down, tend to your home mindfully, and take that time to appreciate and enjoy your home design. Take stock of what you have, and cull any items for donations that no longer serve you. Connecting with and expressing gratitude for your home is a great first step of decorating that may be a grounding and mood-boosting experience.


The Indoor Forest

Biophilic design goes hand in hand with holiday home decor. Biophilia is our innate desire to be close to nature–and biophilic design aims to make healthy and comfortable interiors by meaningfully incorporating natural elements into our home design and work environments. A large component of holiday home decor is foliage. Greenery can be anything from a leafy garland on your mantle to mistletoe in your hallway. This holiday season, try decorating your home in more natural elements such as pinecones, nuts, and branches. If you live near a woody area you can forage for these items yourself, or if that isn’t an option for you, look to your local farmer’s market or nursery for help. Your house will feel like an organic winter wonderland full of crisp natural scents and foliage that's unique to your home.

Your incorporation of nature doesn't have to stop once the holidays are over - you can enjoy the benefits of biophilic home design all year round! Kale Tree Shop, founded by Sarah Barnard Design, is a great resource for nature inspired home goods. Each product takes inspiration from the natural world, ranging from abutilon wallpaper to ginkgo leaf wall sconces to upholstered chairs influenced by the silhouette of a great dane. Biophilic home design elements can bring joy and warmth to your home, no matter the season!

close up of red wildflowers

The Holiday Hormone Connection

Decorating for the holidays is not only fun, it can contribute to spikes in your dopamine levels, which is a hormone that boosts feelings of pleasure. One factor that leads to these enjoyable feelings are the bright lights and colors. Chromotherapy increases happiness and boosts your energy levels. Another prominent factor at play are all the cozy scents that come from Christmas trees, eucalyptus and pine scented candles, and homemade treats. So this year you may feel extra gratification when putting out holiday décor knowing that there may be real health benefits!

Blue and gold Christmas tree with blue and gold wrapped presents in room with staircase

As you begin to prepare for the holidays, remember the importance of creating traditions with your family. Although the holidays may not be quite the same this year, surrounding yourself with winter décor that you thoughtfully sourced, may bring you some needed joy this season. So remember, think handmade, look to nature, and surround yourself with home design elements that make you happy, and you’ll have a beautiful winter wonderland right at home.

The Sarah Barnard Design family wishes you all the warmth and happiness!

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

The Healing Power of Interior Design: Design's Impact on People, Places and the Planet

Screen shot from video of Sarah Barnard

Leading wellness home designer, Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP speaks as part of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Virtual Conference.

Transcript: Hi, I'm Sarah Barnard, WELL AP, LEED AP and ASID Ones to Watch Scholar. Design has the power to profoundly impact healing. As we collectively navigate this new way of living many of us face challenges maintaining our wellbeing amid trauma and chronic ambiguous loss. When we embrace empathy as the foundation of our design process we help to increase agency and reduce adversity. Together, we can make all built environments supportive, restorative spaces.

What’s Next? Design’s Impact on People, Places and Planet (Opening Keynote) and State of the Society. "ASID turns the traditional keynote on its head with a virtual, crowd-sourced program mining the best names in design as they explore the meaning of "Design Impacts Lives." Then join ASID leaders for the annual State of the Society address...Design has the power to impact lives and tackle challenges on a global scale. What’s next? Hear from those impacting design and those impacted by design in a collaborative keynote that shows the power of community in the digital age. This special, crowd-sourced program will highlight diverse thoughts from clients, end users, consultants, manufacturers, educators, students and of course, designers as we share what’s next for design and the personal stories demonstrating the impact the profession has on the people and world around us."

white flowers on green background

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Cosmopolitcal Design: A New Modality Harnesses the Connection between Home and Nature

With global society and climate in flux, mapping out new ways to live and create in the world has become an essential project. Amid the competing approaches to this transformation, the philosophical school of cosmopolitics, as its name suggests, addresses this challenge in a uniquely holistic way and presents an entirely new perspective on the human relationship with the world.

Albena Yaneva, in her introduction to What is Cosmopolitical Design?: Design, Nature, and the Built Environment, explains that “Cosmopolitical thinkers...see nature as no longer being unified enough to provide a stabilizing pattern for the experience of humans; it is not ‘out there,’ a simple backdrop for human activities.” Cosmopolitics distinguishes itself from cosmopolitanism by positing a relationship with nature and its non-human denizens defined by cohabitation rather than dominance. As Yaneva writes, “These thinkers abandon the modernist idea of nature as being external to the human experience—a nature that can be mastered by engineers and scientists from outside.” 

How does this cosmopolitical perspective manifest in the world of home design? To Yaneva, “It challenges encourage the enactment of new relationships both within and potentially outside the designed space.” Cosmopolitical home design is deeply tied to its locality and integrated with its environment. Yaneva describes cosmopolitical design as “required more than ever to address the primordial question of what it means to live together. That is, the co-existence of humans and non-humans, of how they share space and find ways to live together in peace.”

Because the cosmopolitical way of thinking is so all-encompassing, the approaches to incorporating cosmopolitics into home design are fittingly varied and can be scaled to projects as vast as urban planning or as circumscribed as landscaping a backyard. Manifestations of cosmopolitical home design can range from home renovation with the local climate in mind (for example, placing windows for optimal warmth or cooling of interior spaces) to pollinator-friendly gardens teeming with plants indigenous to their region.

To interior designer Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, bringing cosmopolitics into her home design practice means cultivating spaces that are specific both to her clients and as well as to the local environment and that encourage an accord with the natural world. Sarah says, “Finding ways to harmonize the design of a space to a specific environment instead of working against it is both challenging and rewarding. When a designed space and its greater environment are fully integrated, the effect is almost easier to feel than observe.”

Sarah explains, “I always look for opportunities to create inviting connections between the indoors and the outdoors. This continuity with the natural world is beneficial for emotional and mental health—it’s not just a source of beauty but nourishment.” For an artist’s bungalow, Sarah created a visual continuity between lush indoor plant life and the garden outside, and then took it a step further. Sarah designed the outdoor garden to support pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. The garden is a Certified Monarch Waystation, providing resources to support migrating Monarch butterflies by providing food, water, cover. Sarah said, “Designing homes for wellbeing doesn’t have to stop at the comfort of the client. Incorporating elements of design that nurture the local ecology deepen our relationship with nature and result in spaces that are unified with their surroundings.”

This particular expression of cosmopolitical home design can be achieved even with limited outdoor space. For an oceanview penthouse, Sarah transformed a balcony into an inviting habitat for local and migrating wildlife by adding potted olive trees and an herb garden. “Considering plants not just for their decorative beauty but also what they can offer to the local environment is a concept that works on virtually any scale,” Sarah says. To decorate the interiors, Sarah selected natural and eco-friendly furnishings and textiles, adding that “Organic materials have a gentler environmental impact, and from a wellness perspective, are kinder to the people who live with them.”

When selecting materials and furnishings for home decorating, Sarah often looks to her clients’ priorities to guide her approach to creating spaces that embody a cosmopolitical perspective. For one high-rise suite, the owner’s love of animals was demonstrated not only through the choice of art and decorative objects, but also wanted this care toward animals extended outside home design and beyond aesthetics. Sarah addressed this by using exclusively vegan materials and furnishings for this project. Sarah explains, “No space exists in a vacuum—every object and material we use has a footprint that goes well beyond the front door, so considering the story of the materials we use and the impact that they have on the world is a way to invite cosmopolitical ideas into home design.”

Sustainable materials can also have unexpected origins. For the kitchen of a historic craftsman bungalow, Sarah installed a countertop made of recycled beer bottles, a non-extractive alternative to a more traditional quarried stone countertop. “Not only is the material beautiful and environmentally conscious, but there’s also a little whimsy in how it reinvents something ordinary and adds character to the space,” Sarah says. The implications behind cosmopolitical home design may be weighty, but there is always room for playfulness.

“When I look at my work from a cosmopolitical perspective,” says Sarah, “I see tremendous opportunity for creativity. We are seeing our way of life change in real-time, and as a home designer, I’m lucky to be able to be a part of facilitating that transformation for my clients.”

Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).

Interior Design for Wellbeing: A special presentation at the Helms Bakery Design District

Interior designer Sarah Barnard photographed by Ace Misunias.

Interior designer Sarah Barnard photographed by Ace Misunias.


Hosted by OM and PLP SoCal, the inaugural session of OM Chats gathers leading voices in architecture, interior, and product design for a morning discussion about the ideas shaping home design and wellness. Speakers include Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, principal of Sarah Barnard Design, Julie Smith-Clementi, AIA, IDSA, architect and product designer, and Adaeze Cadet, AIA, LEED AP, BD+C, vice president at HKS.

The discussion centered around how to design spaces and products that reflect a broader — more empathetic — understanding of the human experience in the workplace, health care spaces, educational facilities, and wherever people gather and live.


Sarah Barnard is a WELL and LEED accredited designer and creator of environments that support mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. She creates highly personalized, restorative spaces that are deeply connected to art and the preservation of the environment. An advocate for consciousness, inclusivity, and compassion in the creative process, Sarah’s work has been recognized by Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Real Simple, HGTV and many other publications. In 2017 Sarah was recognized as a “Ones to Watch” Scholar by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).   

Ultra Personalized Color : How an interior designer can help create a home that feels like you

Interior Design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Reid Winfrey.

Interior Design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Reid Winfrey.

Decorating with color is entirely subjective — we all have our likes and dislikes. And yet, in consultations with home designers, clients often struggle to come up with a suitable color scheme on their own. They might identify red as their favorite color without understanding the physical and emotional reactions it can evoke, especially when used in a restorative space like the bedroom.

Interior Design by Sarah Barnard, Artwork by Renae Barnard.

Interior Design by Sarah Barnard, Artwork by Renae Barnard.

An interior designer with an understanding of color theory and color psychology can help clients define their personal color story by evaluating the hues they like to wear, studying their favorite keepsakes, or delving into their hobbies and interests for inspiration. Home designer Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, has guided many clients through this process, creating healthy, sustainable spaces using colors that reflect their unique personalities. She’s well-versed in the intricacies of color with a Master of Fine Arts degree and undergraduate degrees in Art and Interior Architectural Design.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Artwork by Renae Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Artwork by Renae Barnard.

Sarah proposed a purple and teal palette reminiscent of an agate specimen for a client with an extensive book collection and a cheerful demeanor. These colors make the client’s heart sing, bringing her instant joy every time she comes through the front door. In the living room, vibrant colors pair with bold patterns and rich texture. A large wall sculpture by artist Renae Barnard hangs above a custom teal sofa with handmade toss pillows. Two armchairs with mid-century silhouettes are upholstered in a painterly textile, adding chromatic dimension.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

The client requested that the primary bedroom “feel like a hug,” so Sarah settled on a two-tone wall color, a marriage of plum and lavender, to envelop the space. The curved, velvet-lined headboard mimics the action of hugging and is complemented by an Egyptian cotton reversible duvet in a custom color scheme. The bedroom delivers feelings of comfort and safety, supporting the client’s well-being.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

When designing a bachelor pad in a coastal locale, Sarah took inspiration from the client’s interest in surfing and his desire to feel closer to nature. The palette reminds him of the sea, sand, and sky, from the navy velvet sofa to the burnt orange armchair, and the custom Calacatta marble bar. The rich wood tones observed in the entertainment console and reclaimed side table make the space feel earthy and grounded.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Reid Winfrey.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Reid Winfrey.

A calming environment was essential to the client as he has a high-stress job and needs to unwind at the end of a long day. The outdoor patio is awash in cool blues and weathered acacia to reflect the home’s natural surroundings.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Kevin Moore.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Kevin Moore.

Another project in which the home’s location influenced the color scheme was this family residence that incorporates warm sunset hues and oceanic blues. The tones are representative of the coastal and desert sides of Southern California’s mountain ranges. Within the context of color theory, the chosen hues are energizing and invigorating, perfect for a busy family with young children and active dogs.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Karrie Ross, Sculpture by Kevin Moore.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Karrie Ross, Sculpture by Kevin Moore.

Bright white walls allow the artwork to pop and prevent any single color from overpowering the space. Each room has a different color story to tell, but it all ties together to deliver a fresh, youthful aesthetic.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Sarah is particularly fond of designing children’s rooms and enjoys collaborating with little ones to create spaces that reflect their personalities and interests. She did just that for this family of five, bringing in their favorite colors, personal photographs, and handmade artwork. The lavender bedroom was designed for a teen girl who is passionate about travel and collects elephant figurines. Sarah worked with her clients’ daughter to curate a gallery of photographs from her most memorable trips.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

For a boy who loves to read, Sarah designed a custom-made, built-in bed from American Walnut that features floating nightstands with plenty of storage for books. He opted for muted shades of blue and green that are frequently found in nature and feel serene and calming.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

The family’s teenage son wanted his room to look like autumn in New England. Sarah painted the ceiling a deep orange, which casts a warm glow, and used pumpkin-colored draperies for a bold impact. A reclaimed wood bed frame and natural log nightstand lend an organic feel, while an armchair covered in a retro-inspired fabric serves a nod to the boy’s effervescent personality.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

When tasked with designing a Tudor Revival-style estate, Sarah drew upon some of her clients’ favorite TV shows, specifically the BBC’s Downton Abbey and Sherlock. To achieve the Victorian-era aesthetic, Sarah chose saturated colors with historical significance. The jumping-off point for the formal dining room was the luxurious tapestry that adorns the walls. She pulled shades of forest green, chartreuse, and burgundy from its design and painted the wainscoting a custom color by Fine Paints of Europe.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

The library is a contemporary take on that of Lord Grantham’s. The American Walnut floors, oak-paneled fireplace, and coordinating bookcases add a richness to the space. Sarah updated the original fireplace with a new stone slip in a swirl of green and coral with an abstract painting by artist Kevin Moore above it. An antique kilim rug from Turkey anchors the reading area, injecting soft blues and grays into the room. The plush velvet armchair appears to change color depending on the time of day, transitioning from a buttery yellow to toasted oatmeal.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Sara Pae.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Painting by Sara Pae.

When conferring with clients looking to redesign their home, Sarah asks them several questions about their personal style: What are your favorite colors to wear? Are there any colors that you would never wear? She will even take a peek in their closet if that’s something they’re comfortable with to get a better sense of their color preferences. She brings a variety of samples to the meeting, including textiles and wallpapers, so the client can see and touch products they might not have otherwise considered.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

She observes how they react to not only colors but different sheens like matte or gloss. Curating a color palette isn’t as simple as picking out a few swatches and calling it a day. Home designers are well-trained in color theory and are aware of how color affects our behaviors and emotions. They can harness that extensive knowledge to create a color palette that matches your home to your personality — and when a space feels like ‘you,’ happiness will follow.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. With a contemporary approach that employs traditional vocabulary, Barnard’s range of style is innovative yet time-honored.

The Healing Power of Home: Sustaining and Nourishing our Bodies and Minds

Custom kitchen design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

Custom kitchen design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

As we collectively navigate this new way of living, I am thinking of you and your family and wishing wellness and security. With so many unknowns, I am grateful for the sureness of a community that uplifts with compassion, resilience, and ingenuity, and offers inspiration to forge forward. 

During a time when our world feels new and uncertain, our studio is drawing on the core foundational beliefs and principles behind our approach to home design. We create spaces that support health, emotional security, and wellness, that is the bedrock of our work. These ideals go beyond our creative process and into our working methods of designing homes. As a studio, we are building upon many of the systems we've previously had in place.

Bespoke American Walnut kitchen cabinets paired with handmade ceramic tiles by California based artisans. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP. Photo by Steven Dewall.

Bespoke American Walnut kitchen cabinets paired with handmade ceramic tiles by California based artisans. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP. Photo by Steven Dewall.

Our studio has always aimed to work with local artisans and craftspeople when possible, and value these relationships now more than ever. Many supply chains are experiencing disruptions throughout the home design industry. We are working together with trusted vendors to source materials and find creative solutions during this difficult time. 

In our homes, this time has offered an opportunity to examine our routines, and to look at our needs. Health, functionality, and wellbeing informed our process before the spread of COVID-19, and these factors are more crucial than ever as we continue to build supportive spaces for you and your family through mindful home design. 

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

Interior design by Sarah Barnard, Photo by Steven Dewall.

Many of us are facing challenges in caring for our loved ones, evolving and uncertain circumstances with work, homeschooling children, and maintaining our physical and emotional wellbeing. In addressing these struggles, we are turning to our homes for solutions, realizing more than ever the need for multi-functional and high performing living spaces. 

Our regular team meetings are an opportunity for the studio to brainstorm and problem solve collectively, and recent conversations frequently turn to personal solutions for managing this time at home. We wish to extend this conversation to our community and clients and offer some of our favorite approaches for adapting our home design to these changing times. 

Colors inspired by nature create the palette for this traditional home. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, photo by Steven Dewall.

Colors inspired by nature create the palette for this traditional home. Interior design by Sarah Barnard, photo by Steven Dewall.


  • Structure your spaces for ease of movement, connectivity, and peace of mind. Move your workspace in front of your favorite exterior view. 

  • Open your windows and cross-ventilate your home any day weather permits to improve indoor air quality and enjoy the mood-lifting benefits of watching birds and butterflies

  • Scoot your coffee table to the side for extra room to play and exercise, and set it up with floor pillows for a new homework station for children. 

  • Move your favorite painting to the room where you spend the most time, whether it's a home office, kitchen, or nursery, and enjoy the beauty and transcendence of art

  • Use your occasion dishes more often, and if you're spending more time than you'd like inside the kitchen, bring your cutting board to the back yard. 

  • Think about how your home is supporting your physical health and invest in materials that benefit indoor air quality. Be mindful when bringing new items in your home, avoid air fresheners, and fill vases with aromatic mint and rosemary. 

  • Make sure your bedroom is supporting your sleep habits by clearing out clutter and adjusting lighting to meet your needs. 

  • Carve out time with nature, even if it is tending to a favorite indoor plant or watching hummingbirds in your garden.


kitchen sarah barnard design (11).jpg

Be resourceful, get creative, trust your instincts, and listen to what your mind and body needs, and mold your home to fulfill those needs. And you can always call us if you need some ideas. Our studio and local craftspersons are here to serve. 

While we discover methods to care for ourselves, we have learned the necessity and power of turning to others for support and assistance. We offer our support by helping create functional homes so that your safe place is also your ideal space. 

We hope that this time to reassess, rearrange, and reconnect, can carry us into a healthier and more positive future, supported by homes that sustain and nourish our bodies and minds. 

kitchen sarah barnard design (18).jpg

Sarah Barnard, WELL AP, and LEED AP designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that connect deeply to nature and art. Empathy and mindfulness are the foundation of her practice creating healing, supportive environments that enhance life.

Compassionate Design

Originally featured by Keller Williams Luxury International, Los Angeles writer Roger Grody explores how the vegan lifestyle has contributed to a movement of compassionate design through interviews with leading designers in the field.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

A growing interior design specialty accommodates homeowners who are as strict about what they put in their homes as what they put on their plates.

The practice of veganism, eliminating all animal products from one’s diet, is usually driven by a commitment to good health, the protection of defenseless creatures or concern for the planet. Although vegan interior design may sound exotic, it is entirely reasonable that the values that inspire vegans’ diets would also be applied to their living environments.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

A vegan space is devoid of leathers, silks, wools or any materials whose production harms or exploits living creatures. “A happy, healthy vegan home contributes to the ease and enjoyment of life,” says Sarah Barnard, whose Los Angeles based design firm specializes in vegan interiors. “As a designer, I create spaces that help my clients express their values and passions,” explains Barnard, adding, “I also believe that the way we acquire the things we own matters.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Abby Siniscal

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Abby Siniscal

“It’s not only about the animals, but also the workers and the environment,” insists interior designer Deborah DiMare, who maintains offices in Miami and New York. She converted her practice to vegan design about five years ago and believes hers is the only firm in the country exclusively dedicated to the specialty. “When I opened my eyes to the inhumane practices and treatment of workers and animals in the textiles and furnishings industries, I had no choice but to change the direction of my life and my business,” she says.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“Ever since I started in fashion in Ireland, my approach to design has dealt with humane and environmental approaches to the procurement of textiles, furniture, dyes, et cetera,” says interior designer Clodagh. Her New York studio accommodates vegan design as well as feng shui, wabi-sabi and biophilia. Although leather is occasionally used in her commissions and she will design steakhouses, Clodagh has personally been a strict vegan for 21 years.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Some homeowners considering this approach to design may assume they will need to make concessions on aesthetics and comfort. “In the past, cruelty-free furnishing options were limited, so vegan clients had to compromise on luxury,” says Barnard, who reports more highend synthetic substitutes have become available. DiMare insists some of those substitutes look and feel more luxurious than the genuine articles and she founded as an online resource for likeminded designers, manufacturers and homeowners.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Rather than inhibiting optimal design and comfort, DiMare suggests, “If anything, it’s made me even more creative,” noting that designing for children with autism and heightened sensory issues enhanced her appreciation of vegan design. At the conclusion of a project, DiMare is delighted to report to clients, “No blood or tragedy is associated with anything in your home.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“I encourage my clients to consider options that support their health and happiness as well as an equitable global ecosystem,” says Barnard, whose overall philosophy, like DiMare’s, transcends the protection of animals. “I believe in embracing the intersections of sustainability, kindness and community, working together for a greater good” says the L.A. designer.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

“We aim to be mindful of all living things and give back to this earth,” concurs Clodagh, who adds, “We have to leave it in a better state than when we found it.” Expounding on her “lifeenhancing design” — a minimalism not to be confused with self-denial — Clodagh explains, “It’s about having and loving everything you need, but nothing more than what you need.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“As an interior designer, I create spaces that help my clients express their values and passions,” says Sarah Barnard, who explains vegans generally insist their physical environments be consistent with their values. “This is a natural progression for people who care about animals, their health and environmental responsibility,” says the conscientious designer.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

“Every object and piece of furniture or art in our home carries a lasting history with it,” insists Barnard. “Making a choice to bring in only things that have a conflict-free origin can make us feel good about not only having a beautiful interior, but having a positive impact on the world around us,” she says.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Abby Siniscal

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Abby Siniscal

“Requests for vegan interior design are growing rapidly, as people embrace their connection to the natural world,” reports L.A.’s Barnard, and DiMare observes a growing interest among affluent millennials. New York’s Clodagh strikes a more cautionary tone, commenting, “If I could only work for vegan clients, I would have been out of business before I started.”

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Scott Van Dyke

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Scott Van Dyke

“My typical luxury client is a mom in Malibu who does yoga, eats super healthy and drives a Bentley,” reports DiMare. “She teaches her family ethics and social awareness, and wants to surround them in the healthiest possible environment,” maintains the designer, who authored the book Vegan Interiors last year.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Brad Nicol

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Brad Nicol

“Vegan interiors can benefit anyone concerned about the welfare of animals and health of their home and family,” states Barnard, insisting one need not be a vegan to enjoy a vegan environment. DiMare, sought out by non-vegans who admire her aesthetics, agrees that everyone can benefit from the non- toxic, hypoallergenic qualities of animal-free design.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Steven DeWall

Observing how chef-driven vegan restaurants have become mainstream, Clodagh hopes such heightened awareness will fuel interest in vegan design. “As we say in Ireland, the way to somebody’s heart is through their stomach,” she quips.

Sarah Barnard DesignPhoto by Chas Metivier

Sarah Barnard Design

Photo by Chas Metivier

Special thanks to Keller Williams Luxury International and featured writer Roger Grody, who covers the best of Los Angeles’ design and culture. Sarah Barnard Design has had the pleasure of working with Roger on articles covering a broad range of wellness minded topics from Conscious Design to Ephemeral Realities.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. Empathy and mindfulness are the foundation of her practice creating healing, supportive environments that enhance life.

Nordic LA presents: Scandinavian Influences & ARK Journal Launch

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Sarah Barnard Design had the pleasure of attending an Architecture and Design event hosted by Nordic LA for an exclusive reception and launch of the second volume of ARK Journal amongst other notable architects, designers, and artists from the Los Angeles area and beyond. The festivities spanned over two days and were held at the Schindler House in West Hollywood and the Ace Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles.


Friday night began with a private tour led by Rudolph Schindler’s great-grandson, Guillaune Schindler. The house is well known as the birthplace of Southern California Modernism, due to its incorporation of architectural and social theory. Built between 1921 and 1922 using a standardized "slab-tilt" wall construction, the home was conceived as an experiment in communal living designed to host two couples, with four rooms for each individual, a shared kitchen, and garden patios. Most interestingly, the bedrooms were designed as "sleeping porches." These were outdoor, open rooms on the roof that allowed them to enjoy the temperate Southern California weather and the sweeping views of the neighborhood.

After the tour, guests gathered on the Western-facing outdoor space, best known as Rudolph and Pauline's porch, to hear the panelists' discussion. Lasse Anderson, the Director of the Utzon Center for Architecture in Denmark, moderated the speakers who included the West Coast Manager of Pucci International, Ed Schilling, and Cyrus Etemad, a real estate developer with a focus on the restoration of historic and commercial buildings. The conversation was focused on bringing traditional design and architecture into a contemporary context through renewal, rethinking, and relaunching classic brands and sites.


Saturday evening, the Ace Hotel hosted the group for cocktails and conversation. Located in downtown Los Angeles, the Ace Hotel first opened in 1927 as the United Artists Building. Today it is a historic landmark, influenced by Spanish Gothic architecture, and is an "inspiring location at the heart of the ongoing Broadway renaissance, a meeting place for creatives, innovators, artists, and entrepreneurs."

ARK Journal explores spaces around us, the objects we put them in, and the people who make them. The Copenhagen-based journal bridges architecture, design, and art, allowing the launch party to fit in seamlessly with the weekend's course of events.

The publication included a beautiful feature of Merette's home in Møn, an island in Denmark, which she built with her partner Søren Aagaard. The sleek house made of clay blocks and chalk plastered walls plays with light and nature, and even includes windows built to frame a specific view of the farmland surrounding the home.


Nordic LA's weekend events centered around Architecture and Design had great success in bringing together creatives from Scandinavian countries and Los Angeles. The event gave a new-found inspiration for global communication and the importance of creative collaborations.

Nordic LA provides opportunities for artists, musicians, and performance-focused creatives to connect with others both in Los Angeles and in the Nordic countries.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. Empathy and mindfulness are the foundation of her practice creating healing, supportive environments that enhance life.

Healing Spaces: How Designers Can Cultivate Wellness in the Built Environment

Empathy can uncover the deep needs of humans in private and public spaces. Leading practitioners in LA's a+d community gathered Friday, October 11th at the Helms Design Center for a conversation about the role of empathy in creating extraordinary experiences.

Hosted by OM and PLP SoCal, this inaugural session of OM Chats gathers leading voices in architecture, interior, and product design for a morning discussion about the ideas shaping design and wellness. Speakers include Sarah Barnard, WELL AP + LEED AP, principal of Sarah Barnard Design, Julie Smith-Clementi, AIA, IDSA, architect and product designer, and Adaeze Cadet, AIA, LEED AP, BD+C, vice president at HKS.

The discussion centered around how to design spaces and products that reflect a broader — more empathetic — understanding of the human experience in the workplace, health care spaces, educational facilities, and wherever people gather and live.

Photo by: Steven DeWall

Photo by: Steven DeWall

Transcript of Sarah Barnard’s presentation:

In my practice, as a WELL and LEED accredited interior architectural designer, I specialize in creating environments that support the occupant's mental and physical wellbeing. An empathetic approach is the foundation of my process.

As a neurodivergent person, with sensory processing differences, I know all too well that we live in a world designed for neurotypical people. Normative built environments can be extremely uncomfortable, even traumatic, for many people. For example, individuals with Post Traumatic Stress and folks on the Autistic spectrum may both have sensitivities to sound, light, textures, and odors. People with chronic migraines and people who are chemically sensitive might also have overlapping reactivity to fragrances, sounds, and light.

Photo by: Steven DeWall

Photo by: Steven DeWall

The reality is, most humans will have experiences during their developmental years that forever impact their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Research indicates that traumatic experiences don't just happen to some people; they happen to most people. In the late 1990s, Kaiser Permanente conducted a study on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). They asked more than 13,000 of their members to complete a 10-question survey on traumatic childhood experiences and to report any health issues they were currently facing.

From this pool of respondents, about two-thirds had at least one ACE. 12% of the population reported an ACE score of 4 or more. An ACE score of 4+ nearly doubles the risk of heart disease and cancer and increases the risk of attempted suicide by twelve times. Understanding that the health impacts of trauma are not a "special population" issue, but a general population issue is critical to our ability to design with empathy.

Artwork: Deborah Cansler, Photo: Chas Metivier

Artwork: Deborah Cansler, Photo: Chas Metivier

No matter our circumstance, it can be challenging to share details about ourselves that may be perceived as a disability. So, while we can't always ask, we can understand that many of us may have unaddressed environmental needs.

Even neurotypical people, without exposure to trauma, can easily experience cognitive overload in intensely stimulating environments. Activities like commuting, social interactions, processing large amounts of data, being exposed to fragrances, and repetitive auditory disturbances, can impact our mental and emotional resilience in unseen ways. Because of the magnitude of stressors in public life, humans benefit in measurable ways from a restorative home environment. Restoring at home makes us stronger in the workplace and the world at large.

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Renae Barnard + Ruben Vincent, Photo: Steven DeWall

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Renae Barnard + Ruben Vincent, Photo: Steven DeWall

When designing commercial office environments for clients like National Geographic Entertainment, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation/ Life Rolls On and the National Immigration Law Center, I consider the intersections and overlap of the community members and develop strategies to accommodate the highest possible needs.

Though it is vital to remember, as we have access to an ever-growing body of research that informs our practice of designing spaces that encourage wellbeing, it is nearly impossible to soothe all humans with a single design solution. So, meeting clients where they are and creating a safe, judgment-free dialogue is the first step in designing inclusive, supportive spaces.

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Jose Ramirez, Photo: Chas Metivier

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Jose Ramirez, Photo: Chas Metivier

 In my experience, being mindful and empathetic to diverse sensitivities creates an opportunity to design spaces that inspire a sense of peace. Armed with the understanding that we can't expect anyone to share the details of their pain, nor ask for what they need, designers must consider the most sensitive populations, so more environments feel safe and empowering to all.

 How do we do this?

We must think about an expansion of universal design principles to include physical, mental, and emotional health. For example, we know that biophilic design can reduce physiological and psychological stress. Having a comfortable place to meditate can reduce anxiety, depression, and pain. Exposure to natural light can regulate our circadian rhythms and increase serotonin levels.

Artwork: Ruben Vincent, Photo: Steven DeWall

Artwork: Ruben Vincent, Photo: Steven DeWall

When access to nature isn't readily available, art is an excellent alternative solution. Viewing original works of art can stimulate the brain, providing an imaginative connection to the mind of the artist and a momentary transcendence into another reality. In 2011 a University of London study found that viewing art produces a similar effect in the brain as falling in love, causing a rush of pleasure producing dopamine.

Just as we consider the positive impacts of nature and art on health and wellbeing, we place equal importance on the selection of materials and how they can shift the feeling, light levels, and acoustic qualities of a space.

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Kevin Moore, Photo: Ace Misiunas

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Kevin Moore, Photo: Ace Misiunas

Because truly non-toxic materials are in limited supply, our studio regularly designs textiles, wallpapers, furniture, and light fixtures, working with local craftspeople to fabricate safely and responsibly.

 While we are mindful of avoiding materials with VOCs,  some non-toxic materials like linseed oil, tung oils, and even citrus-based solvents can cause distress to people who are chemically sensitive, people undergoing chemotherapy and people with COPD.

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Kevin Moore, Photo: Ace Misiunas

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Artwork: Kevin Moore, Photo: Ace Misiunas

In 20 years of professional practice, I have learned that empathy and mindfulness are critical in creating healing, supportive environments. Contemplating design strategies that can benefit all populations, is not a trend; it's an evolution in expanding our quality of life.

 Together, we are part of a movement to be mindful, empathetic, and collaborative, supporting one another to make all built environments healing, restorative spaces.

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Photo: Steven DeWall

Interior Design: Sarah Barnard, Photo: Steven DeWall

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. With a contemporary approach that employs traditional vocabulary, Barnard’s range of style is innovative yet time-honored. The ideas most essential to her practice and design process are wellness, historic preservation, and the infinite ways in which design can enhance life.

How Empathy Creates Extraordinary Experiences: Leaders in Wellness Design Explore Designing for Human Experience


7:30 - 8:00 check-in and breakfast

8:00 - 9:00 presentations and conversation

Why Should You Attend?

Empathy can uncover the deep needs of consumers, students, employees, caregivers. The design world is ideally situated to leverage these profound understandings to build better and healthier products, spaces, solutions. This session will address:

  • How do we think about empathy not only as a practice of being but as a practice of doing?

  • How do we design products that reflect a broader understanding of human experience in the workplace, healthcare spaces, educational facilities, and more?

  • What is empathetic product design and how does it fit with empathetic space design?

  • What are some examples of empathy at play in product and space design?

  • What are the implications of empathetic design for the future?







The Design Center is located in the center left of the map below, in the atrium surrounded by the green numbers 11-15. Free parking is available to the right, at the circled P.


Why a Custom Weighted Blanket may be the Secret to Your Best Sleep Ever

A bedroom with big windows overlooking the ocean, The grey bedhead is against a wood paneled wall with a white knitted fibre art piece on it. The bedspread is grey with a white throw blanket and white pillows.

Photo: Steven Dewall

Weighted blankets were the must-have holiday gift of 2018. You couldn't scroll through Instagram without being bombarded with ads for these sensory aids. But weighted blankets aren't exactly new, in fact, home designer Sarah Barnard has been creating custom versions for years.

As a child, she came across a roll of peacock blue mohair fabric in her family's garage that she used to complete a patchwork quilt she was sewing. Little did she know that her father intended to use the luxurious fabric as the upholstery for a 1949 Chevrolet he was restoring.

Although her father was furious, she was ultimately allowed to keep the blanket, which weighed close to 20 pounds. "I found the tremendous weight and enveloping warmth encouraged my body to sleep more peacefully and longer," explains Barnard.

A bedroom looking in through white french doors.The wooden bed has a white bedspread with golden green pillows and a throw blanket. There is a beige colored rug on the floor.

Photos: Scott Van Dyke

These days, she's still creating natural, custom bedding for her clients using designer textiles and stitching techniques taught to her by her father. This expertise allows Barnard to deliver better-designed therapeutic blankets with endless customization options in terms of fullness and weight.

A custom design allows the client to choose the fabric, color, interlining material, and weight. Barnard's team of trusted artisans, handmakes each calm blanket locally and sustainably. Recently, Barnard designed a biophilic primary bedroom suite for a couple who prefer blankets in different weights. Her solution? One large duvet cover with two blanket inserts tucked inside, providing a seamless look that caters to individual needs.

A bedroom with dark blue walls, the wooden bed has a dark blue bedspread and a fluffy white throw blanket. There are white curtains and windows looking out onto a patio garden.

Photo: Chas Metivier

One of Barnard's clients explained that she had been having trouble sleeping for some time and tried sleep aids, teas, and melatonin. She never felt fully rested using these remedies, but when used together with a customized weighted blanket, she experienced notable improvement. 

A childs bedroom with a dark blue bedspread, toys and pillows, a pin striped loveseat and brown curtains.

Photo: Charlie Daniels

Children especially may benefit from the use of a sensory blanket. A study from 2011 published in the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry found that children with ADHD fell asleep faster and awoke fewer times during the night when covered with a weighted blanket. Barnard enjoys designing colorful, custom blankets for the children of her clients. "Involving the child in the selection of the textiles allows them to personalize their environment and surround themselves with things that comfort them the most," she notes.

A little girls bedroom with pink curtains, two beds with pink bedspreads, a white throw blanket and stuffed animals.

Barnard's weighted blanket, which she made herself, is fabricated of two heavyweight Schumacher fabrics sewn together sans lining. Even without a traditional interlining, it weighs in at 13 pounds. When the blanket is not in use, it adds contrast and texture to the room — quite unlike the characterless models one can purchase online.

A small dog sitting on a blue blanket which is draped over an ornate light blue chair. The chair is sitting in a garden with lots of green foliage in the background.

The textiles Barnard used were prewashed and preshrunk to remove any allergens or dust. She chooses to wash her weighted blanket regularly in the washing machine despite the fabric's dry clean only warning. "I accept a rough and tumbled appearance in trade for the ease of maintaining my everyday life," she says. Barnard points out that this is a common request among her clients. "Families want to be able to launder their weighted blankets, so we test each sample to see how it survives the washing machine," she adds.

A small dog sitting on a blue blanket which is draped over an ornate light blue chair. The chair is sitting in a garden with lots of green foliage in the background.

As mass-produced weighted blankets have risen in popularity, their quality has suffered immensely. Most ready-made options are filled with plastic poly pellets or glass beads. Custom made blankets are most often filled with organic cotton interlining or organic cotton batting in varying lofts to reach the desired weight. Organic wool and organic hemp interlinings are also available. For homeowners who want organic textiles and a natural lifestyle, being able to identify where the materials come from, and how they are made help us to sleep easier at night. 

A wellness-minded interior designer can help create a custom weighted blanket that suits your health needs, and personal style to ensure an even better night's sleep.


Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. With a contemporary approach that employs traditional vocabulary, Barnard’s range of style is innovative yet time-honored. The ideas most essential to her practice and design process are wellness, historic preservation, and the infinite ways in which design can enhance life.

Unpacking the “KonMari” trend: The personalization of ultra-home organizing

A tidy, minimalist kitchen in with open shelving to keep cookbooks close at hand.

A tidy, minimalist kitchen in with open shelving to keep cookbooks close at hand.

Before Marie Kondo, there was William Morris, a renowned 19th-century British designer who lived by this philosophy: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

Kondo has a more stringent and less personalized approach. She encourages followers of her KonMari method to grasp each item in their hands and evaluate their body’s reaction to it. If it makes you feel uplifted, put it in the keep pile. If it causes you to feel weighed down, in the donation bin it goes. But here’s the thing — there’s no one-size-fits-all organizing method. Whether you prefer a pragmatic approach à la William Morris or Kondo’s emotionally-guided decision-making process, figuring out what works for you and your lifestyle is paramount.

Floating shelves provide vertical storage in this compact home office featuring an impressive view of the shoreline.

Floating shelves provide vertical storage in this compact home office featuring an impressive view of the shoreline.

“The method of organization should support the client’s daily routine and activities,” says interior designer Sarah Barnard, who specializes in healthy, happy, personalized spaces. “What items do they use most regularly? How do they envision the space? Having a clear goal will start to inform the plan.”

Barnard provides organizing services for clients in every stage of life, from young professionals with little spare time to retirees with reduced mobility. “One of the main reasons people ask for our help is because they are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start,” explains Sarah. “Our goal is to streamline the process by setting up personalized systems that can be easily maintained.”

A tidy studio bookcase keeps favorite books close at hand. A painting by Abby Sin, sculpture, ceramics and antiques lighten and brighten the display.

A tidy studio bookcase keeps favorite books close at hand. A painting by Abby Sin, sculpture, ceramics and antiques lighten and brighten the display.

Sarah recently tackled a two-week-long organizing project for a busy family of five. Recognizing that the experience can be quite invasive, Sarah and her team went to great lengths to ensure the family felt comfortable. Shoe covers were worn to prevent anyone from tracking in allergens, and cotton gloves were required when handling any personal items.

Very possibly the best boys' bedroom ever! Newly built walls allow for custom-made American walnut bunk beds and floating desks for each boy.

Very possibly the best boys' bedroom ever! Newly built walls allow for custom-made American walnut bunk beds and floating desks for each boy.

Clearing away unnecessary clutter was the family’s aim, and Sarah’s team employed the ‘keep, toss, donate’ method to get it all done. “We sorted our client’s clothing by season, removing the winter wear and storing it in the hallway closet,” says Sarah. “Now, primary closets contain only half the amount of items, making them more spacious and easier to navigate.”

Personalized tools for staying organized! Each boy's desk includes a utility wall with a chalkboard, pin board, metal panel for magnets and wipe off board calendar.

Personalized tools for staying organized! Each boy's desk includes a utility wall with a chalkboard, pin board, metal panel for magnets and wipe off board calendar.

In addition to freeing up closet space in the home, Sarah Barnard Design took on the organizing of a child’s craft room. “The client’s youngest son had received arts and craft gifts for each holiday of his young life,” notes Sarah. “This resulted in a wonderful collection, but also a lot of bits and pieces— to the point where the craft room was largely unusable.” The team carefully combed through his many art supplies, donating lesser-used items to create space for the most cherished ones.

An articulating desk lamp adds a pop of aqua to the teen girl's study area.

An articulating desk lamp adds a pop of aqua to the teen girl's study area.

Once an organizing project is complete, Sarah’s clients have a renewed sense of self. Decluttering is a lifestyle change, but the benefits are well worth the effort. “It often inspires a newfound appreciation for their possessions and increased productivity in the space,” says Sarah.

A creative space with a custom sofa in wool felt, side tables made of natural maple and steel and a desk chair designed by Mauro Lipparini. Sculpture by Renae Barnard.

A creative space with a custom sofa in wool felt, side tables made of natural maple and steel and a desk chair designed by Mauro Lipparini. Sculpture by Renae Barnard.

Adopting a personalized approach to organizing will spark far more joy than bingeing an eight-part Netflix series and assuming your tidying habits will change through osmosis. Decluttering is hard, both physically and emotionally — it’s not something that comes naturally to most people. Seeking professional organizing help is an investment in yourself, saving you time, energy, and unnecessary stress. And hiring an expert to create customized systems that fit your lifestyle will help you stay organized in the long-term — no self-help books required.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Steven Dewall and Chas Metivier

“Scandifornian” design goes coastal

sarah-barnard-serene scandifornian09.jpg

Scandinavia and California don’t have much in common (the weather, for starters) but when it comes to home design, these two regions have strikingly similar taste. This is exemplified through the use of neutral color palettes, natural fibers, sustainably-sourced wood, and intentional accessories in both decorating styles. 

Interior designer Sarah Barnard recently renovated a 3,600-square-foot family home, not far from the bluffs that overlook the Pacific Ocean. Although the home was originally constructed in 1949, its revamped aesthetic is best described as ‘Scandifornian.’

The beachy blue and white exterior hints at what’s to come once you step inside. Distressed red brick forms a path to the entryway, which is framed by carved wood corbels that are original to the house. The foyer alcove includes a live edge wood table and a curated collection of seashells and minerals, blending organic elements with simple, clean lines.

Featuring handmade, live edge tables made by a local artisan.

Featuring handmade, live edge tables made by a local artisan.

But what instantly captures your attention is the light-drenched living room, featuring a vaulted ceiling with exposed wood beams. “The original bones of the house were excellent,” explains Sarah. A custom concrete fireplace designed by Sarah runs nearly the entire length of the wall. It’s boxy, modern shape is tempered by irregularly etched lines that “mimic the movement of the nearby sea.” 


The lightly-finished hardwood flooring, all natural, non-toxic sofa, shaggy wool floor cushion and wheel-thrown ceramics exude laid-back, Scandifornia style. Here, the aesthetic is minimal, but never cold or uninviting. Taking a seat on the floor is encouraged and each decorative object or family photo has a story behind it. 

A fine artist herself, Sarah collaborated with a trusted woodworker to create the living room wall sconces, carved from American Walnut. “The organic forms and natural finishes match perfectly with the coastal ambiance of the space,” notes Sarah. 

To build these custom creations, Sarah delivered sketches and sculptural models to the woodworker to convey her ideas. The prototype was referenced throughout the fabrication process to ensure accuracy, resulting in one-of-a-kind fixtures that serve as functional works of art. 

Natural dining chairs by the Cherner Chair Company have a slim silhouette.

Natural dining chairs by the Cherner Chair Company have a slim silhouette.

The dining room was “designed to feel soft and light,” with a neutral color palette, elongated dining table, natural dining chairs and a chandelier that appears to be floating in mid-air. The fireplace surround is yet another of Sarah’s custom designs. “I chose tile glazed in brilliant blue to create an updated linear pattern neatly framed by a custom concrete mantle,” she adds.

sarah-barnard-serene scandifornian-41.jpg

Sarah once again worked alongside a local artisan to produce the orb-like sconces that brighten up the space. “I often take formal inspiration from the home's location and reinterpret that within the space,” explains Sarah, who used the home’s coastal locale as the jumping off point. She handcrafted a number of small ceramic prototypes for the client to review before agreeing on the current iteration.

sarah-barnard-serene scandifornian 60.jpg

The kitchen expertly combines old and new. “There is an exposed brick fireplace that remains a decorative element in the new kitchen,” says Sarah. “We wrestled with the idea of preserving or upgrading the original red brick. We collectively decided to keep it — in the kitchen only — as a homage to the architect’s original intent.” The light blue cabinet doors feature subtle detailing and the quartz countertops are flecked with real seashells. The office nook is the perfect spot to search for a new recipe or respond to emails, while the adjacent pantry offers plenty of storage and a stainless steel French-door refrigerator.

sarah-barnard-serene scandifornain-50.jpg

The ground floor is rounded out by a serene guest bathroom with a custom floating vanity, matching wood-framed mirror, and a vessel sink that sits atop an onyx countertop. Although the space consists of mostly hard surfaces, it is warmed up through the use of light wood tones, soft lighting and texture-rich pebble flooring. 

A handmade table by a local artisan anchors the space between the living room and dining room.

A handmade table by a local artisan anchors the space between the living room and dining room.

The California and Scandinavian home decorating styles share many of the same values, most notably an appreciation of natural beauty and fine craftsmanship. Throughout this project, Sarah worked side-by-side with local artisans and craftspeople to realize her custom furnishings and lighting designs. “Unique handmade objects bring authenticity and personalization to a home,” says Sarah. The finished product masterfully combines coastal California influences with the simplistic forms and function of Scandinavian home design.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Steven Dewall and Chas Metivier

Three trailblazing queer women who shaped design history

At the Moulin-Rouges, Two Women Waltzing By Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Works from the National Gallery in Prague. Photo by: Jan Sedlák, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Odeon, Praha 1985. Public Domain.

At the Moulin-Rouges, Two Women Waltzing By Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Works from the National Gallery in Prague. Photo by: Jan Sedlák, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Odeon, Praha 1985. Public Domain.

Today and every day, we celebrate the pioneering queer women who helped to shape the interior design industry. The erasure of women — particularly queer women — from history is a troubling phenomenon and underscores the importance of sharing the stories of these lesbian and bisexual women who left their mark on design.

Interior of Elsie De Wolfe' music pavilion looking out on to the pool, The Villa Trianon , rendered by William Bruce Ellis Ranken (1881-1941). Public Domain.

Interior of Elsie De Wolfe' music pavilion looking out on to the pool, The Villa Trianon , rendered by William Bruce Ellis Ranken (1881-1941). Public Domain.

Elsie de Wolfe, c. 1880.By Unknown. Public Domain.

Elsie de Wolfe, c. 1880.

By Unknown. Public Domain.

1. Elsie de Wolfe

Elsie de Wolfe is the OG of interior decorating. Born in 1859, she began her career as an actress, which earned her fame and influence among the high society crowd. Realizing she had more of a knack for set design than acting, de Wolfe transitioned into interior decorating — a profession that didn't even exist at the time. Her well-heeled clientèle included Henry Clay Frick, Amy Vanderbilt, Cole Porter, Wallis Simpson, and George Bernard Shaw.

She disapproved of over-designed Victorian interiors, preferring instead to remove clutter and simplify spaces to make entertaining easier. De Wolfe's aesthetic could be described as colorful, airy, and opulent. "I opened the doors and windows of America, and let the air and sunshine in," she once said of her legacy.

She drew much of her inspiration from 18th-century French design, introducing pale paint colors, exotic animal prints, wicker furniture, nature motifs, and strategically placed mirrors into her projects.

De Wolfe's personal life was equally as colorful: she enjoyed a so-called "Boston marriage," living openly and happily with her lover, Elisabeth "Bessie" Marbury, a successful theatrical and literary agent. Their relationship spanned 40 years, and together, the couple renovated several homes in Manhattan and the 'Villa Trianon,' a French estate outside of Versailles. De Wolfe and Marbury continued their relationship until Marbury passed away in 1933, naming de Wolfe as her sole heir.

Portrait of Miss May Morris, Portraits of many persons of note photographed by Frederick Hollyer, Vol. 3, platinum print, late 19th century. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, museum no. 7821-1938. Public Domain.

Portrait of Miss May Morris, Portraits of many persons of note photographed by Frederick Hollyer, Vol. 3, platinum print, late 19th century. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, museum no. 7821-1938. Public Domain.

2. Mary 'May' Morris

Living in the shadow of her famous father, William Morris, Mary 'May' Morris never got the recognition she deserved as a textile designer. The family business, Morris & Co., created printed fabrics and wallpaper, stained glass and artful embroidery — many of their iconic designs are still treasured today, and distributed by the Sanderson brand.

May was a true talent — designing wallpaper, editing her father's poems, and heading up the embroidery department of Morris & Co. at the ripe old age of 23. She was a staunch feminist and socialist, and co-founded the Women's Guild of Arts in 1907, dismayed by the fact that the Art Workers Guild prohibited women from joining their ranks.

She was also a lesbian and lived with her partner, Mary Lobb, in a historic manor house in West Oxfordshire, England for more than twenty years. Lobb was initially brought on by May to work as the 'female gardener' at Kelmscott Manor, but the two struck up a close relationship, and Lobb was invited to move in. The couple was fond of camping in the countryside and visited Iceland together several times. May Morris died in October 1938, and Mary Lobb passed away just five months later in March 1938.

Wallpaper Design. Attributed to William Morris. c. 1881. Photo by Unknown. Public Domain.

Wallpaper Design. Attributed to William Morris. c. 1881. Photo by Unknown. Public Domain.

Portrait of Eileen Gray. c. 1910. By Unknown. Public Domain.

Portrait of Eileen Gray. c. 1910. By Unknown. Public Domain.

Table E.1027, Design by Eileen Gray (1878-1976). Public Domain.

Table E.1027, Design by Eileen Gray (1878-1976). Public Domain.

3. Eileen Gray

The creations of modernist hero Eileen Gray look just as in vogue today as they did in the 1920s and 30s when she designed them. The Irish-born architect and furniture designer opened up a gallery in 1922 along Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris where she sold her pieces.

Her skills were numerous and her style was ever-evolving. Gray was a sought-after interior designer and self-taught architect. Some of her famous works include the often imitated adjustable table E 1027, the tubular Bibendum chair, and E-1027, a modernist-masterpiece-slash-vacation-home on the Côte d'Azur in the South of France.

Gray had many relationships with both men and women. In Paris during the 1920s, she ran with a crowd of celesbian artists and became the lover of the French singer, Damia. Allegedly, the two were fond of driving around the city in a Chenard-Walcker with Damia's pet panther sitting in the back seat — how casual!

Gray's legacy was nearly erased from the history books but has since been revived with the release of two films about her remarkable life. Her ex-boyfriend and fellow architect, Jean Badovici, was often falsely credited for the design of E.1027, although she had designed it for him as a sort of modernist love shack. Thankfully, her work has not been forgotten, and the formerly derelict E.1027 is now a museum that's open to visitors.

The legacies of these three queer women live on through their work. So the next time you spot an adjustable table E.1027 replica, transform a dark, dreary room with a gallon of white paint, or wallpaper your powder room in a Morris print, think of these fearless creatives who helped shape the interior design industry into what it is today.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, and personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Russian writer Zinaida Gippius (Зинаида Николаевна Гиппиус, 1869-1945), by Léon Bakst (1906). Public Domain.

Russian writer Zinaida Gippius (Зинаида Николаевна Гиппиус, 1869-1945), by Léon Bakst (1906). Public Domain.

Why outdoor living spaces are right for your health, and how to design yours to perfection.

Hand printed outdoor textiles highlight the weathered teak furnishings and compliment the pool tile. Photo by Renae Barnard.

Hand printed outdoor textiles highlight the weathered teak furnishings and compliment the pool tile. Photo by Renae Barnard.

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average American spends 87 percent of their time indoors. We put considerable effort into designing the interiors of our homes, with little regard for the outdoor spaces.

"No matter where you are or how large your outdoor space, you can benefit from a daily connection with nature," says sustainable interior designer Sarah Barnard. Want to spend more time outdoors this summer? Rethinking your balcony, garden, or terrace is an excellent place to start. Here are a couple of reasons why outdoor living equates to a healthy life.

It benefits your mental and physical health.

Imagine stepping out onto your front porch with a cup of tea in hand, feeling the morning sun on your skin. Sounds nice, right? Moderate sun exposure does the body good — refreshing our circadian rhythms, lowering cortisol levels and blood pressure, and improving concentration. Sarah's morning routine includes a stroll through the garden with her miniature poodle, Lucy, in tow. "It allows me to start the day cheerful, grateful and breathing fresh air," she explains.

A glorious guest cottage inspired by Cape Cod and flattered by painstaking attention to detail. Photo by Renae Barnard.

A glorious guest cottage inspired by Cape Cod and flattered by painstaking attention to detail. Photo by Renae Barnard.

It encourages us to spend more time with our loved ones.

We get it — planning and hosting an event is stressful. Even if you burn the hors d' oeuvres to a crisp, run out of red wine, or forget to bring out the on-theme cocktail napkins, it's always worth it in the end, isn't it? A Mayo Clinic study shows that socializing with your closest friends and family improves your overall sense of well-being and purpose.

And since summer is the time for alfresco entertaining, what could be better than celebrating the season in your beautifully designed outdoor space, surrounded by your nearest and dearest? Thanks to improvements in technology and design, outdoor furniture and decor have come a long way (see ya, fold-up camping chairs). Today, our outdoor living spaces can be just as comfortable and luxurious as our indoor spaces.

Fresh and fun colors come to life in the open air media room. The locally made sectional sofa was designed to fit the homeowner’s specific desires: all natural & non-toxic materials, handmade in California. Photo by Steven Dewall.

Fresh and fun colors come to life in the open air media room. The locally made sectional sofa was designed to fit the homeowner’s specific desires: all natural & non-toxic materials, handmade in California. Photo by Steven Dewall.

Now that we've established why you should be spending more time outdoors allow us to explain how to do it in style. When designing an outdoor living space, Sarah advises her clients first to select a focal point. "Is it a beautiful tree? A softly trickling fountain? An impressive outdoor kitchen? The elements that you choose to dominate the space physically and visually influence its overall feeling and mood" says Sarah.

Mimic your interior spaces outdoors.

We're not suggesting you expose your vintage leather sofa to the elements, but integrating pieces that create a feeling of coziness — like a knit throw or an outdoor fireplace — will make chilly evenings more enjoyable. During the daytime when the summer sun is beating down, you'll want to add shade through the use of a modern pergola, permanent roof, shade sail or patio umbrella. And avid home cooks may consider investing in a fully-equipped outdoor kitchen, complete with a gas grill, pizza oven, prep sink, storage cabinets, counter space and a compact refrigerator (you know, for all the rosé you'll be drinking this summer).

The cozy patio pairs luxurious outdoor tiles with Chinese artisan pottery to create a quiet retreat. Photo by Charlie Daniels.

The cozy patio pairs luxurious outdoor tiles with Chinese artisan pottery to create a quiet retreat. Photo by Charlie Daniels.

When in doubt, hire a designer

"Even creative people find it difficult to craft a beautiful, functional and healthy home that adequately reflects their uniqueness," notes Sarah. When laying out your design plans for a courtyard or veranda, hiring an experienced designer is the first step. Not only does an expert have access to a broader selection of custom outdoor furnishings and fabrics, but they can also ensure the final product will be flawless. "Your interior designer has a vested interest in the success of your project being completed to the highest caliber and can be an invaluable asset when dealing with vendors and contractors," adds Sarah.  

This stylish patio showcases handmade roman shades attach to a custom wood enclosure for privacy and shade. Photo by Steven Dewall.

This stylish patio showcases handmade roman shades attach to a custom wood enclosure for privacy and shade. Photo by Steven Dewall.

A designer will create a multi-functional outdoor space with your preferences and goals in mind. They're able to conceptualize the big picture and execute every detail with precision. It's time to unlock the untapped potential of your seldom-visited balcony, courtyard, or terrace. Whether you crave a secret garden or a lively space to entertain, a designer can turn your idea into a reality. "Your home should enhance your lifestyle and express your uniqueness," says Sarah. "My work is centered on health and happiness — anything we can do to help our clients live better, we will."

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, and personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art. To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

A natural teak wood ball fashioned into a rugged side table pairs with a weathered teak armchair and lightweight pottery. Photo by Steven Dewall.

A natural teak wood ball fashioned into a rugged side table pairs with a weathered teak armchair and lightweight pottery. Photo by Steven Dewall.

Superbloom: Happy Healthy Interiors Inspired by Nature


Happy spring! A “super bloom” has popped up all over California in the past few weeks, a result of a record-breaking amount of rain this past Winter season. Bright orange poppies, desert lilies, yellow and white evening primrose, and pink Bigelow monkey flower, are some of the flowers blossoming in considerable numbers to the delight of hikers, tourists, and nature-lovers throughout California. The super bloom has people flocking to parks such as Walker Canyon in Lake Elsinore, Near Desert Lily Sanctuary, and Diamond Valley Lake.

Close up of a wild poppy.

Close up of a wild poppy.

Flowers blooming in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Flowers blooming in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Los-Feliz-local Sarah Barnard, interior designer, WELL AP, LEED AP, keeps her own wildflower garden, where she planted a variety of poppies from seeds and is experiencing her super bloom. “The colors and textures that come with each season are delightful and inspiring,” said Barnard. “I grow a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, (carrots, radishes, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers of all kinds, cantaloupe, lemons limes, avocado, lettuces & herbs) as well as cactus, succulents, and flowering/ornamental plants.”

Barnard recently took time to visit Griffith Park, Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, and Anza Borrego State Park to see the super bloom herself. Sarah, who specializes in interior design that contributes to her client’s health and wellness, and strives to make nature a part of each home she creates, shared photos of her recent trips.

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“This year’s superbloom is a colorful reminder that nature informs life and design,” Barnard said. Incorporating this principle into the design of your home is one way to contribute to your happiness and health. The study of the effect of nature in design on our health is called Biophilia, and we have previously written about this phenomenon.


One way to bring this happy and healthy nature into your home design is to incorporate natural and organic forms, which are visually pleasing and encourage our connection to the outdoors. Selecting art, lighting or furniture for your home that resembles natural forms is one way to make an inviting and exciting space. Art and shapes inspired by nature could mean a light fixture that looks like a plant or a sculpture that looks like an animal.

Fresh flowers and bright pink leather reminiscent of wildflowers create a warm and inviting dining nook.

Fresh flowers and bright pink leather reminiscent of wildflowers create a warm and inviting dining nook.

Cheerful coral pink tile pairs beautifully with flowers.

Cheerful coral pink tile pairs beautifully with flowers.

Sarah Barnard is a strong advocate of having nature incorporated directly into a space as well. Add your favorite flowers, succulents, and ferns. “In my home, I keep a healthy variety of plants: bromeliads, tillandsia, monstera, and ferns are among my favorites. Having this connection to nature makes my home feel lush and light.”


Using natural materials, aside from being beautiful and adding diverse texture to space, is also an excellent way to contribute to mental and physical well being. Having materials like wood, cotton, and glass rather than plastic and vinyl will avoid toxic off-gassing.

This dining room features fresh flowers, bright colors, and natural wood tones.

This dining room features fresh flowers, bright colors, and natural wood tones.

This colorful palette was inspired by flowers.

This colorful palette was inspired by flowers.

Fresh flowers add life and warmth to a contemporary space.

Fresh flowers add life and warmth to a contemporary space.

To battle the stresses of everyday life, you can use mindful home design practices to create open spaces connected with the environment, plant-life, and the seasons. Barnard reminds, "Our surroundings deeply and immediately impact our mental, physical, and emotional health. A visual connection with the outdoors can improve mood and productivity, and what we bring into a home or space (finishes, furniture, artwork) determines both the quality of the air we breathe and how we function in our daily lives." The flower fields make great inspiration for such a space, with their bright colors, gorgeous views, and fresh air.

There is energy, beauty, and vitality in wildflowers. Spring is the perfect time to find inspiration from flower fields and create a connection to the outdoors. You can do this by beginning a garden, using interior design to personalize your home or office, meaningfully incorporating plants, natural light, and elements inspired by nature. Choose natural materials like wood, cotton, and linen, and take inspiration from this season's super bloom by using bold and bright colors. As more of us make our careers our focus, nature and design are imperative to promote calmness, serenity and healthy living.


And when in doubt, go hiking!

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Steven Dewall, Abby Siniscal, Chas Metivier

Pantone’s Color of the Year: Living Coral

The family cat is the primary resident of this guest suite featuring a pink and coral color scheme.

The family cat is the primary resident of this guest suite featuring a pink and coral color scheme.

Coral reefs are disappearing from our oceans at an alarming rate. It is imperative to the ocean’s ecosystems, and as much as a quarter of all ocean species depend upon it for food and shelter. Precious marine lifeforms are also the inspiration for Pantone’s color of the year: Living Coral.

Coral and lush greens create a lively and inviting atmosphere for an outside space.

Coral and lush greens create a lively and inviting atmosphere for an outside space.

Sarah Barnard, a Los Angeles-based interior designer, WELL AP and LEED AP, specializes in home design that contributes to her client’s health and wellness and strives to make nature a part of each home she creates. “A happy and uplifting color reminiscent of the ocean is the perfect starting point for a happy, healthy home.”

Coral colored tiles and beautiful glossy stone slabs make this coastal bathroom warm and bright.

Coral colored tiles and beautiful glossy stone slabs make this coastal bathroom warm and bright.

This color takes its name from the beautiful coral marine invertebrates that build extensive coral reefs, habitats for a vast diversity of life in the ocean. Sometimes referred to as the "rainforests of the sea," coral reefs are quickly dying, and are projected to reduce to 10% by 2050. Half of the world's coral has died since 2016, due to rising sea temperatures, pollution, destructive fishing, invasive species, and changing sea chemistry.

"The timely selection of this color by Pantone should be an important reminder to all of us that nature inspires beautiful interiors. If we aren't careful to preserve the natural world, we will have nothing left to take inspiration from," said Barnard.

Coral naturally complements with blues and ocean tones. Coral embroidery was a perfect companion (complement?) for a throw pillow in a coastal home.

Coral naturally complements with blues and ocean tones. Coral embroidery was a perfect companion (complement?) for a throw pillow in a coastal home.

Pantone is most widely known for their color swatch books. It is the company responsible for color matching paints and graphics; and now devotes the time and resources of Pantone Color Institute to research the purchasing trends of various industries. With this information, Pantone determines this year's color. The naming process regularly pulls inspiration from the natural and human-made world, naming colors such as "rose quartz" or "millennial pink." Pantone's color of the year for 2018 was ultraviolet, a beautiful, energizing shade of purple reminiscent of bright flowers and the sky at sunset. This year's choice is PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral, a potent reminder to preserve and protect ocean life.

Coral colored ceramic provides earthy contrast against the ebonized table and black lamp.

Coral colored ceramic provides earthy contrast against the ebonized table and black lamp.

Coral is vibrant, cheerful, delicate and energizing, and the perfect shade to start the New Year. Living coral, described by the Pantone team as “An animating and life-affirming coral hue with a golden undertone that energizes and enlivens with a softer edge.”

The bath and shower feature locally sourced handmade ceramic tiles in a coral gloss.

The bath and shower feature locally sourced handmade ceramic tiles in a coral gloss.

Pantone published, “Vibrant, yet mellow PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral embraces us with warmth and nourishment to provide comfort and buoyancy in our continually shifting environment. [...] Representing the fusion of modern life, PANTONE Living Coral is a nurturing color that appears in our natural surroundings and at the same time, displays a lively presence within social media.”

Coral and pink shades blend beautifully with wood tones. Art is a subtle and seamless way to introduce colors like coral.

Coral and pink shades blend beautifully with wood tones. Art is a subtle and seamless way to introduce colors like coral.

While top interior designers don’t necessarily recommend painting one’s home to match the color of the year, art, accents, and of course plants are an easy and safe way to introduce vibrancy to your living or work space through home decorating.

Pinks and coral create an inviting atmosphere.

Pinks and coral create an inviting atmosphere.

For those interested in using Living Color in their home, Sarah Barnard said,  "Living Coral is a perfect complement to blue shades, and pairs well with coastal or beachy interiors. For the daring, reupholstering a treasured piece in a bright color like Living Coral can revitalize a space. For those who prefer to mix pops of color with neutrals, I recommend starting with small accents."

Pantone's Color of the Year is an excellent opportunity to add lively, earth-focused tones to your home. Make having a happy and healthy home your New Year's resolution.

Cream and coral ceramic jars are a perfect storage solution for bathroom necessities.

Cream and coral ceramic jars are a perfect storage solution for bathroom necessities.

Sarah Barnard designs healthy, happy, personalized spaces that are deeply connected to nature and art.

To learn more about Sarah Barnard Design, please visit

Photos by Abby Siniscal, Chas Metivier, and Charlie Daniels